Raccoon Creek Weekday Men’s Club


Jon Cram is in charge of the Men’s 2024 Match Play and Ringer Tournaments.

His contact information is ,  jjcram@gmail.com; (303) 944-9636.


Match Play will be conducted differently in 2024 than it was in previous years. The field will be split in half. One half will contain players with highest handicaps and the other half will contain players with the lowest handicaps.

We are making this change so that a player with a 6 handicap won’t have to play with a 32 handicap player and possibly get beaten because he had to give up so many strokes.

There will be a championship awarded to each group.

At the completion of each match, please text or email a copy of the signed and dated scorecard to Jon Cram.


Following are the ABSOLUTE deadlines for completion of each round of matches – there will be no exceptions allowed:

Round 1 must be completed by May 19th

Round 2 must be completed by  June 16th

Round 3 must be completed by July 14th

Round 4 must be completed by August 11th

Match play Championships must be completed by September 15th

The Ringer Tournament will be conducted differently in 2024.  We will utilize two flights:  one for the lower handicaps and one for the higher ones.  Each player’s score for each hole played will be recorded and the best score will be the player’s final score. As an example a player that plays in 5 tournaments scores (based upon his handicap) on hole #1, a par 4 a 6, 4, 5, 3 and 5.  At the end of the Ringer Tournament the player receives a final score of 3.  It is obvious that the more tournaments a player participate in the better chance he has of winning the Ringer Tournament.. 


If you have any questions at all please contact Jon Cram.