Welcome to Antelope Hills Womens
Golf Association in beautiful Prescott, Arizona!
We enjoy weekly play on two 18 hole courses in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our club is home to
almost 100 ladies from the Tri City area as well as seasonal members from other cities and states.
We’re a community of women who share a love of golf!
Our season runs January through December and we keep things interesting with a new game every week!
Our shotgun start times vary throughout the year as follows:
9:30am October -March 8:00 am April- September
For more information about AHWGA go to: www.antelopehillswga.com
Monthy Sweeps Volunteers
January |
Dee Toci |
928-925-2151 |
tociphildee@gmail.com |
Susie Savioni |
928-925-6096 |
February |
Cathy Filippinetti |
928-379-2244 |
cathyfilippinetti@gmail.com |
Phyllis Brown |
714-272-0254 |
phyllisbrown738@yahoo.com |
March |
Robin Lundeen |
505-307-9927 |
gma.nawna@gmail.com |
Barb Foerster |
303-917-3197 |
barbfoerster@me.com |
April |
Pat Downey |
303-919-8787 |
pdowney123@gmail.com |
Linda Amsbry |
951-712-6250 |
llamsbry@gmail.com |
May |
Lisa Prentice |
503-576-9797 |
Cecilia Muriello |
949-292-6612 |
cee.muriello@gmail.com |
June |
Mary Slobodny |
480-226-0683 |
Karen Jennings |
9287131972 |
kjenningsaz@gmail.com |
July |
Cookie Brewer |
805-390-3494 |
cookiemarr@gmail.com |
Linda O’Conner |
602-762-5593 |
loconnor830@gmail.com |
August |
Sue Diumenti |
928-699-7413 |
diumentisusan49@gmail.com |
Jackie Schiller |
928-830-8015 |
jackieschiller523@gmail.com |
September |
Marlene Konecky |
928- 308-8486 |
randmkaz@msn.com |
Bev Peck |
928-899-7172 |
leavetobeaver@outlook.com |
October |
Lynn Getman |
305-978-6607 |
legetman@live.com |
Melba Moeck |
928-533-1770 |
mtoast3873@gmail.com |
November |
Jeannie Dew |
928-899-7896 |
jeanniedew21@outlook.com |
Pattie Rice |
928-225-0848 |
pattie001@icloud.com |
December |
Pam Burns |
928-848-2762 |
pkb3401@yahoo.com |
Brenda Martinez |
928-899-1851 |
brenda.martinez@yavapaititle.com |