Pace of Play Policy


The Tour has instituted a Pace of Play Policy in accordance with Rule 6-7 of the USGA® Rules of Golf, Undue Delay, which leaves the responsibility for maintaining the pace of play where it belongs, with the player. The players in the first group of the field must play in 2 hours 15 minutes or less per nine holes. All subsequent groups must finish the checkpoints within the parameters listed below.


Mobile Scoring will issue the below warnings for those out of position. If the group falls behind, it is expected to "TAKE THE PLEDGE" and get back into position to avoid penalty but more importantly to help protect all players experience and not cause delays for the groups behind them. This means playing ready golf and/or continuous putting which are both allowed in stroke play.


Pace of Play Tips- 'TAKE THE PLEDGE"

  • Play ready golf at all times on the tee box and when nobody is in front of you on approach.
  • If your tee ball or any approach shot could be out of bounds play a provisional to avoid coming back to re tee or replay. 
  • Put your clubs away after you reach your next shot or cart partners, you would be surprised how much time this saves. 
  • If your next shot is within walking distance while your cart partner is playing his, walk ahead and get yardage so that your ready to play quickly when your cart partner gets to you.
  • NEVER walk to your ball without your range finder and a few clubs, especially if its cart path only! Shoot the flag from the cart path and take 3 clubs you might need within 10-20 yards of that range so your ready and don't come back to the cart on the cart path 50+ yards away. 
  • Don't help search for lost balls as a group until you all have hit your next shot, once you do that will be enough time for the player who lost his ball to take a drop. 
  • Putt out when possible on the greens if your not interfering with a players line, avoid marking on a missed putt. Read the putt while others are putting, don't wait until it's your turn. 
  • Bunkers; the closest to the hole in each pairing should help rake so that the player who just played and get ready for there next shot. 
  • Drive to the next tee box before recording your score so that group behind you can approach the green


NAGT Golf Genius Mobile App Pace of Play settings


Group Interval

  • A pairing group must finish within the interval number of minutes from the group ahead and within the pace of play expected time to be considered on time (e.g., group ahead finishes at 8:40AM with an interval time of 14 minutes; the current group should finish by 8:54AM)



Checkpoint Messages

When a group finishes a hole, the volunteer will receive a message they can communicate back to the players

Within Allowance

Your group barely made the checkpoint! The group in front of you finished this hole 15 minutes ago so please help maintain pace. 


Group After

The group ahead of you was out of position at this checkpoint and has become subject to the pace of play policy. Please continue to stay on top of them as we ask them to speed-up.


On Time

Your group is currently on time! Your pace is crucial to help protect the field behind you so keep it up and thank you! 


First Missed

This is the first checkpoint you missed and are currently a hole or more behind. Please play ready golf if needed and help us protect the field by playing a little faster. Thank You! 


Second Missed

This is the second checkpoint you missed. Please help communicate to the group that you have been placed on the clock per the pace of play policy. I hope you understand that slow rounds can cause longer delays on the back end of the draw today so please help your fellow golfers out and play faster. To avoid a 1 shot penalty we suggest you skip this hole and catch up to the group in front of you. You can play this hole(s) at the end of your round. A 3rd missed checkpoint will result in a 2 shot penalty for the group. 


Third Missed

This is the third checkpoint you missed, a tour official will be out shortly to issue your group a 2 stroke penalty and will direct you to the next hole(s) to help all groups behind you to maintain proper pacing. You can make up those holes at the end of your round. Sorry for the bad news and please work together to avoid being asked to WD. 


Fourth Missed

This is the fourth checkpoint you missed, a tour official will be out shortly to discuss the probability of an official stoppage of play and WD. We understand that tournament golf isn't always easy and hope you understand we can chalk this one up to a bad day and do better next time. Out of respect to your fellow players behind you we cant hold them up any longer. 


Last Only

Your group finished out of position. Though this is the 1st checkpoint you missed, you may be liable to a one stroke penalty at the discretion of the tour director.