2024 Walter Cosgrove 4 Ball

The Walter Cosgrove 4 Ball will be a two-day 4 Ball medal play event played June 8th and 9th. The event is open to amateur golfers. All golfers play the Blue Tee boxes throughout the event. There are 3 division to accommodate all skill levels. The Championship, A and B divisions.  The Championship division is open to any team and all teams with combined handicaps indexes of 7.0 or less.  The A division is for handicaps of 7.1 to 13.0 or any team wishing to play in that divisions with a higher combined index. The B division is played with handicaps combined of 13.1 or higher. The first two divisions are played scratch while the B division is played all net. (No player shall receive a course handicap higher than 18)

Maximum total field size is 110 teams. Registration is open until filled.


TEAM ENTRY FEE IS $350 and is paid over the phone once you have registered. 

You may register for the waitlist at this point.