2024 Pinehurst Showdowns


Conditions of the Competition

The 2024 Pinehurst Showdowns will take place once per month through October. The Showdowns will consist of two-person teams that will play an Alternate Shot Pinehurst format. Please sign up at Pinehurst Showdown Registration, call (434) 823 -8101 or email headpro@oldtrailclub.com to sign your team up.



Old Trail Member

Old Trail Guest


Weekly Entry Fee:

Appropriate nine hole green and cart fees for members and guests.

$10 per player to enter the game.




Two-person teams that will play the Pinehurst alternate shot format. Player 1 drives and Player 2 drives on a par four. They switch drives so player 1 hits from players 2’s drive and vice versa. The golfers then decide they want to play player 2’s second shot. Player 1 then takes the third shot. Player 2 takes the fourth shot and holes it. The team will record a score of par on the hole.


60% of player A’s nine-hole handicap, and 40% of player B’s handicap will be used to determine your net score. There will be one gross winner and one net winner at each event.


Schedule (Starting time of 5pm each date):

April 17th

May 15th

June 19th

July 17th

August 14th

September 18th

October 16th