Round Format Details



May 10th - 2 Person Shamble

  1. Both players will hit their tee shot.
  2. Couple will choose the best tee shot.
  3. Couple will then play their own ball from there until the hole is completed.
  4. Couple will record (1) lowest score between the couple.

June 14th – 2 Person Nassau

  1. Holes 1-3 (Alternate Shot) Holes 4-6 (Scramble) Holes 7-9 (Best Ball)

July 12th - 2 Couples Vegas Scramble (4-person team)

    1. Team will be given a dice to roll after all the players tee off.
    2. Players will be numbered 1 through 4.
    3. If a 1 through 4 is rolled you will have to use that person's drive.
    4. If a 5 is rolled you have to use the worst drive.
    5. If a 6 is rolled you have to use the best drive.

August 9th – Couples Combo

  1. 4 person teams (2 couples) alternate playing a Scramble and Alternate Shot formats.
  2. Couple A will play Scramble on Odd Holes while Couple B will play Alternate Shot
  3. Couple B will play Alternate Shot on Even Holes while Couple A will play Scramble
    1. Combine both team scores for the hole total.

September 13th - Couples Scramble (2 couples = 4 player team)

October 11th -  Alternate Shot