2018 WV Parent-Child Championship Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Sun, June 24

Glade Springs Village - Stonehaven / Blue
Time Hole Players
The Resort at Glade Springs - Cobb / Blue
Time Hole Players
Glade Springs Village - Stonehaven
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Allen, Chris
9:00 AM 6 Blue Diehl, Wesley + Napier, Mike + Perrine, Jason
Anderson, Josh
9:00 AM 7 Blue Hettlinger, Blake + Hettlinger, Mike + Stricker, Josh
Astorg, Barb
9:00 AM 16 Blue Astorg, Paul + Moore, Janet + Moore, Matt
Astorg, Paul
9:00 AM 16 Blue Astorg, Barb + Moore, Janet + Moore, Matt
Bailes, James
9:00 AM 11A Blue Bailes, Jamie + Crede, Billy + Crede, Billy1
Bailes, Jamie
9:00 AM 11A Blue Bailes, James + Crede, Billy + Crede, Billy1
Brooks, Alec
9:00 AM 10 Blue Brooks, Jeff + Harvey, Michael + Harvey, Shane
Brooks, Jeff
9:00 AM 10 Blue Brooks, Alec + Harvey, Michael + Harvey, Shane
Buckner, Dwight
9:00 AM 9 Blue Buckner, Sam + Pinti, Mark + Pinti, Mark1
Buckner, Sam
9:00 AM 9 Blue Buckner, Dwight + Pinti, Mark + Pinti, Mark1
Bullington, Tyler
9:00 AM 17 Blue Davis, Austin + Davis, Whitney + Harsh, Cheryl
Call, Andrew
9:00 AM 3 Blue Call, Andrew1 + Humphrey, Denny + Humphrey, Garrett
Call, Andrew1
9:00 AM 3 Blue Call, Andrew + Humphrey, Denny + Humphrey, Garrett
Cochran, Brant
9:00 AM 8A Blue Cochran, Jimmy + Fox, Carson + Fox, Robert
Cochran, Jimmy
9:00 AM 8A Blue Cochran, Brant + Fox, Carson + Fox, Robert
Crede, Billy
9:00 AM 11A Blue Bailes, James + Bailes, Jamie + Crede, Billy1
Crede, Billy1
9:00 AM 11A Blue Bailes, James + Bailes, Jamie + Crede, Billy
Davis, Austin
9:00 AM 17 Blue Bullington, Tyler + Davis, Whitney + Harsh, Cheryl
Davis, Whitney
9:00 AM 17 Blue Bullington, Tyler + Davis, Austin + Harsh, Cheryl
DeHart, Rich
9:00 AM 11B Blue Dehart, Drew + Dickson, Dean + Zban, Andrew
Dehart, Drew
9:00 AM 11B Blue DeHart, Rich + Dickson, Dean + Zban, Andrew
Dickson, Dean
9:00 AM 11B Blue DeHart, Rich + Dehart, Drew + Zban, Andrew
Diehl, Wesley
9:00 AM 6 Blue Allen, Chris + Napier, Mike + Perrine, Jason
Fowler, Brandon
9:00 AM 14 Blue Fowler, Jeff + Winters, John + Winters, Skip
Fowler, Jeff
9:00 AM 14 Blue Fowler, Brandon + Winters, John + Winters, Skip
Fox, Carson
9:00 AM 8A Blue Cochran, Brant + Cochran, Jimmy + Fox, Robert
Fox, Lisa
9:00 AM 18 Blue Fox, Robert1
Fox, Robert
9:00 AM 8A Blue Cochran, Brant + Cochran, Jimmy + Fox, Carson
Fox, Robert1
9:00 AM 18 Blue Fox, Lisa
Hammond, R.
9:00 AM 2 Blue Hammond, Roy + Ward, Chris + Ward, Christian
Hammond, Roy
9:00 AM 2 Blue Hammond, R. + Ward, Chris + Ward, Christian
Harper, Harold
9:00 AM 12 Blue Harper, James + Robinson, Mark + Robinson, Sam
Harper, James
9:00 AM 12 Blue Harper, Harold + Robinson, Mark + Robinson, Sam
Harsh, Cheryl
9:00 AM 17 Blue Bullington, Tyler + Davis, Austin + Davis, Whitney
Harvey, Michael
9:00 AM 10 Blue Brooks, Alec + Brooks, Jeff + Harvey, Shane
Harvey, Shane
9:00 AM 10 Blue Brooks, Alec + Brooks, Jeff + Harvey, Michael
Hettlinger, Blake
9:00 AM 7 Blue Anderson, Josh + Hettlinger, Mike + Stricker, Josh
Hettlinger, Mike
9:00 AM 7 Blue Anderson, Josh + Hettlinger, Blake + Stricker, Josh
Humphrey, Denny
9:00 AM 3 Blue Call, Andrew + Call, Andrew1 + Humphrey, Garrett
Humphrey, Garrett
9:00 AM 3 Blue Call, Andrew + Call, Andrew1 + Humphrey, Denny
Jones, Bob
9:00 AM 5 Blue Jones, Greg + Page, Paul + Page, Wesley
Jones, Greg
9:00 AM 5 Blue Jones, Bob + Page, Paul + Page, Wesley
Kinker, Sam
9:00 AM 1A Blue Kinker, Seth + Morgan, Keith + Morgan, Keith1
Kinker, Seth
9:00 AM 1A Blue Kinker, Sam + Morgan, Keith + Morgan, Keith1
Laulis, Josiah
9:00 AM 1B Blue Laulis, Kenneth + McCullough, Richard + McCullough, Toby
Laulis, Kenneth
9:00 AM 1B Blue Laulis, Josiah + McCullough, Richard + McCullough, Toby
McCullough, Richard
9:00 AM 1B Blue Laulis, Josiah + Laulis, Kenneth + McCullough, Toby
McCullough, Toby
9:00 AM 1B Blue Laulis, Josiah + Laulis, Kenneth + McCullough, Richard
Moore, Janet
9:00 AM 16 Blue Astorg, Barb + Astorg, Paul + Moore, Matt
Moore, Matt
9:00 AM 16 Blue Astorg, Barb + Astorg, Paul + Moore, Janet
Morgan, Keith
9:00 AM 1A Blue Kinker, Sam + Kinker, Seth + Morgan, Keith1
Morgan, Keith1
9:00 AM 1A Blue Kinker, Sam + Kinker, Seth + Morgan, Keith
Napier, Mike
9:00 AM 6 Blue Allen, Chris + Diehl, Wesley + Perrine, Jason
Page, Paul
9:00 AM 5 Blue Jones, Bob + Jones, Greg + Page, Wesley
Page, Wesley
9:00 AM 5 Blue Jones, Bob + Jones, Greg + Page, Paul
Perrine, Jason
9:00 AM 6 Blue Allen, Chris + Diehl, Wesley + Napier, Mike
Pinti, Mark
9:00 AM 9 Blue Buckner, Dwight + Buckner, Sam + Pinti, Mark1
Pinti, Mark1
9:00 AM 9 Blue Buckner, Dwight + Buckner, Sam + Pinti, Mark
Potts, Michael
9:00 AM 4 Blue Potts, Mike + Shahan, Cimmie + Shahan, Skip
Potts, Mike
9:00 AM 4 Blue Potts, Michael + Shahan, Cimmie + Shahan, Skip
Ramsey, Caroline
9:00 AM 15 Blue Ramsey, Lauren + Sisk, Dakota + Sisk, Darlene
Ramsey, Lauren
9:00 AM 15 Blue Ramsey, Caroline + Sisk, Dakota + Sisk, Darlene
Roach, Alex
9:00 AM 8B Blue Roach, David + Songer, James + Songer, Steven
Roach, David
9:00 AM 8B Blue Roach, Alex + Songer, James + Songer, Steven
Robinson, Charlie
9:00 AM 13 Blue Robinson, David + Stanley, Chuck + Stanley, Heath
Robinson, David
9:00 AM 13 Blue Robinson, Charlie + Stanley, Chuck + Stanley, Heath
Robinson, Mark
9:00 AM 12 Blue Harper, Harold + Harper, James + Robinson, Sam
Robinson, Sam
9:00 AM 12 Blue Harper, Harold + Harper, James + Robinson, Mark
Shahan, Cimmie
9:00 AM 4 Blue Potts, Michael + Potts, Mike + Shahan, Skip
Shahan, Skip
9:00 AM 4 Blue Potts, Michael + Potts, Mike + Shahan, Cimmie
Sisk, Dakota
9:00 AM 15 Blue Ramsey, Caroline + Ramsey, Lauren + Sisk, Darlene
Sisk, Darlene
9:00 AM 15 Blue Ramsey, Caroline + Ramsey, Lauren + Sisk, Dakota
Songer, James
9:00 AM 8B Blue Roach, Alex + Roach, David + Songer, Steven
Songer, Steven
9:00 AM 8B Blue Roach, Alex + Roach, David + Songer, James
Stanley, Chuck
9:00 AM 13 Blue Robinson, Charlie + Robinson, David + Stanley, Heath
Stanley, Heath
9:00 AM 13 Blue Robinson, Charlie + Robinson, David + Stanley, Chuck
Stricker, Josh
9:00 AM 7 Blue Anderson, Josh + Hettlinger, Blake + Hettlinger, Mike
Ward, Chris
9:00 AM 2 Blue Hammond, R. + Hammond, Roy + Ward, Christian
Ward, Christian
9:00 AM 2 Blue Hammond, R. + Hammond, Roy + Ward, Chris
Winters, John
9:00 AM 14 Blue Fowler, Brandon + Fowler, Jeff + Winters, Skip
Winters, Skip
9:00 AM 14 Blue Fowler, Brandon + Fowler, Jeff + Winters, John
Zban, Andrew
9:00 AM 11B Blue DeHart, Rich + Dehart, Drew + Dickson, Dean
The Resort at Glade Springs - Cobb
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Allen, Patrick
9:00 AM 14 Blue Allen, Riley + Linville, David + Linville, Joshua
Allen, Riley
9:00 AM 14 Blue Allen, Patrick + Linville, David + Linville, Joshua
Arbaugh, Harold
9:00 AM 1B Blue Arbaugh, Joshua + Tomblin, Millard + Tomblin, Tad
Arbaugh, Joshua
9:00 AM 1B Blue Arbaugh, Harold + Tomblin, Millard + Tomblin, Tad
Arnold, Jeff
9:00 AM 9 Blue Arnold, Matt + Hugh, Chris + Hugh, Nate
Arnold, Matt
9:00 AM 9 Blue Arnold, Jeff + Hugh, Chris + Hugh, Nate
Auville, John
9:00 AM 10B Blue Auville, John1 + Roush, Grant + Roush, Mitch
Auville, John1
9:00 AM 10B Blue Auville, John + Roush, Grant + Roush, Mitch
Bumgarner, David
9:00 AM 10A Blue Bumgarner, Josh + Miller, Andrew + Miller, Jay
Bumgarner, Josh
9:00 AM 10A Blue Bumgarner, David + Miller, Andrew + Miller, Jay
Butler, Buddy
9:00 AM 13B Blue Butler, Garret + Tate, Bud + Tate, Hunter
Butler, Garret
9:00 AM 13B Blue Butler, Buddy + Tate, Bud + Tate, Hunter
Chesnut, Adam
9:00 AM 8 Blue Chesnut, Randy + Day, Justin + Day, Kylie
Chesnut, Randy
9:00 AM 8 Blue Chesnut, Adam + Day, Justin + Day, Kylie
Churton, Bruce
9:00 AM 12 Blue Churton, Matthew + Stewart, Jim + Stewart, Ryan
Churton, Matthew
9:00 AM 12 Blue Churton, Bruce + Stewart, Jim + Stewart, Ryan
Cleavenger, John
9:00 AM 7 Blue Cleavenger, John1 + Humphrey, Mason + Rogers, Randy
Cleavenger, John1
9:00 AM 7 Blue Cleavenger, John + Humphrey, Mason + Rogers, Randy
Cooke, Matt
9:00 AM 11 Blue Cooke, Natalie + McCall, Ed + McCall, Maclyn
Cooke, Natalie
9:00 AM 11 Blue Cooke, Matt + McCall, Ed + McCall, Maclyn
Crede, Dennis
9:00 AM 18 Blue Crede, Patrick + Rucker, Ford + Rucker, Russ
Crede, Garry
9:00 AM 17 Blue Crede, Zac + Miller, Cole + Miller, Corey
Crede, Patrick
9:00 AM 18 Blue Crede, Dennis + Rucker, Ford + Rucker, Russ
Crede, Zac
9:00 AM 17 Blue Crede, Garry + Miller, Cole + Miller, Corey
Cross, Fisher
9:00 AM 2 Blue Cross, Mark + Skinner, Austin + Skinner, Del
Cross, Mark
9:00 AM 2 Blue Cross, Fisher + Skinner, Austin + Skinner, Del
Cyrus, Adam
9:00 AM 6 Blue Cyrus, Jim + Tweel, Brad + Tweel, Larry
Cyrus, Jim
9:00 AM 6 Blue Cyrus, Adam + Tweel, Brad + Tweel, Larry
Daniels, Chris
9:00 AM 5 Blue Daniels, Nathan + Florence, Austin + Florence, Greg
Daniels, Nathan
9:00 AM 5 Blue Daniels, Chris + Florence, Austin + Florence, Greg
Day, Justin
9:00 AM 8 Blue Chesnut, Adam + Chesnut, Randy + Day, Kylie
Day, Kylie
9:00 AM 8 Blue Chesnut, Adam + Chesnut, Randy + Day, Justin
Florence, Austin
9:00 AM 5 Blue Daniels, Chris + Daniels, Nathan + Florence, Greg
Florence, Greg
9:00 AM 5 Blue Daniels, Chris + Daniels, Nathan + Florence, Austin
Hedrick, Eli
9:00 AM 13A Blue Hedrick, Steven + Hillyer, James + Hillyer, Tyler
Hedrick, Steven
9:00 AM 13A Blue Hedrick, Eli + Hillyer, James + Hillyer, Tyler
Hillyer, James
9:00 AM 13A Blue Hedrick, Eli + Hedrick, Steven + Hillyer, Tyler
Hillyer, Tyler
9:00 AM 13A Blue Hedrick, Eli + Hedrick, Steven + Hillyer, James
Hugh, Chris
9:00 AM 9 Blue Arnold, Jeff + Arnold, Matt + Hugh, Nate
Hugh, Nate
9:00 AM 9 Blue Arnold, Jeff + Arnold, Matt + Hugh, Chris
Humphrey, Mason
9:00 AM 7 Blue Cleavenger, John + Cleavenger, John1 + Rogers, Randy
Kagan, Alex
9:00 AM 16 Blue Kagan, Drew + Ranson, Jace + Ranson, Michael
Kagan, Drew
9:00 AM 16 Blue Kagan, Alex + Ranson, Jace + Ranson, Michael
Linville, David
9:00 AM 14 Blue Allen, Patrick + Allen, Riley + Linville, Joshua
Linville, Joshua
9:00 AM 14 Blue Allen, Patrick + Allen, Riley + Linville, David
Littlehales, Ed
9:00 AM 3 Blue Littlehales, Josh + Proffitt, Carson + Proffitt, Larry
Littlehales, Josh
9:00 AM 3 Blue Littlehales, Ed + Proffitt, Carson + Proffitt, Larry
McCall, Ed
9:00 AM 11 Blue Cooke, Matt + Cooke, Natalie + McCall, Maclyn
McCall, Maclyn
9:00 AM 11 Blue Cooke, Matt + Cooke, Natalie + McCall, Ed
Miller, Andrew
9:00 AM 10A Blue Bumgarner, David + Bumgarner, Josh + Miller, Jay
Miller, Cole
9:00 AM 17 Blue Crede, Garry + Crede, Zac + Miller, Corey
Miller, Corey
9:00 AM 17 Blue Crede, Garry + Crede, Zac + Miller, Cole
Miller, Jay
9:00 AM 10A Blue Bumgarner, David + Bumgarner, Josh + Miller, Andrew
Proffitt, Carson
9:00 AM 3 Blue Littlehales, Ed + Littlehales, Josh + Proffitt, Larry
Proffitt, Larry
9:00 AM 3 Blue Littlehales, Ed + Littlehales, Josh + Proffitt, Carson
Ramsey, Ben
9:00 AM 4 Blue Ramsey, Bob + Watson, Ben + Watson, Brian
Ramsey, Bob
9:00 AM 4 Blue Ramsey, Ben + Watson, Ben + Watson, Brian
Ranson, Jace
9:00 AM 16 Blue Kagan, Alex + Kagan, Drew + Ranson, Michael
Ranson, Michael
9:00 AM 16 Blue Kagan, Alex + Kagan, Drew + Ranson, Jace
Rogers, Randy
9:00 AM 7 Blue Cleavenger, John + Cleavenger, John1 + Humphrey, Mason
Roush, Gary
9:00 AM 1A Blue Roush, Trent + Williams, Chris + Williams, Doug
Roush, Grant
9:00 AM 10B Blue Auville, John + Auville, John1 + Roush, Mitch
Roush, Mitch
9:00 AM 10B Blue Auville, John + Auville, John1 + Roush, Grant
Roush, Trent
9:00 AM 1A Blue Roush, Gary + Williams, Chris + Williams, Doug
Rucker, Ford
9:00 AM 18 Blue Crede, Dennis + Crede, Patrick + Rucker, Russ
Rucker, Russ
9:00 AM 18 Blue Crede, Dennis + Crede, Patrick + Rucker, Ford
Skinner, Austin
9:00 AM 2 Blue Cross, Fisher + Cross, Mark + Skinner, Del
Skinner, Del
9:00 AM 2 Blue Cross, Fisher + Cross, Mark + Skinner, Austin
Smith, David
9:00 AM 15 Blue Smith, Patrick + Snavely, James + Snavley, Dan
Smith, Patrick
9:00 AM 15 Blue Smith, David + Snavely, James + Snavley, Dan
Snavely, James
9:00 AM 15 Blue Smith, David + Smith, Patrick + Snavley, Dan
Snavley, Dan
9:00 AM 15 Blue Smith, David + Smith, Patrick + Snavely, James
Stewart, Jim
9:00 AM 12 Blue Churton, Bruce + Churton, Matthew + Stewart, Ryan
Stewart, Ryan
9:00 AM 12 Blue Churton, Bruce + Churton, Matthew + Stewart, Jim
Tate, Bud
9:00 AM 13B Blue Butler, Buddy + Butler, Garret + Tate, Hunter
Tate, Hunter
9:00 AM 13B Blue Butler, Buddy + Butler, Garret + Tate, Bud
Tomblin, Millard
9:00 AM 1B Blue Arbaugh, Harold + Arbaugh, Joshua + Tomblin, Tad
Tomblin, Tad
9:00 AM 1B Blue Arbaugh, Harold + Arbaugh, Joshua + Tomblin, Millard
Tweel, Brad
9:00 AM 6 Blue Cyrus, Adam + Cyrus, Jim + Tweel, Larry
Tweel, Larry
9:00 AM 6 Blue Cyrus, Adam + Cyrus, Jim + Tweel, Brad
Watson, Ben
9:00 AM 4 Blue Ramsey, Ben + Ramsey, Bob + Watson, Brian
Watson, Brian
9:00 AM 4 Blue Ramsey, Ben + Ramsey, Bob + Watson, Ben
Williams, Chris
9:00 AM 1A Blue Roush, Gary + Roush, Trent + Williams, Doug
Williams, Doug
9:00 AM 1A Blue Roush, Gary + Roush, Trent + Williams, Chris