GPC Winter Sim Bay League


Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Thursday, April 03, 2025



League Information:

  • League will run for 12 weeks including playoffs from January 5th- March 27th

  • The League Commissioner is The Golf Performance Center.

  • Registration will begin December 1st, with registration deadline December 28th.

  • Matches will be played on Sunday’s, Tuesdays and Thursdays With rain checks on Sat.

  • If you have a conflict with schedule, you can play your match up to 2 weeks ahead of time to be played on a Saturday between 5-9 P.M. You will be given 1 hour to complete your 9 holes. Any hole not completed after the 1 hour time limit will be scored a double bogey. You can call the GPC to book your Sim time - mention you are in the league when booking.

  • Tee times will be on Sundays 2-6 P.M. & Tuesdays & Thursdays 5-9 P.M. Any hole not completed on time will be scored a double bogey.

  • There will be a maximum of 24 teams broken into 2 brackets; Nicklaus & Palmer

  • Teams will consist of 2 golfers per team. Substitutions can be made for a $20.00 fee.

  • Players will be assigned Tee times before the league begins. We will rotate Tee times & days to give everyone equal opportunity for scheduling purposes.

  • Tees will be set off course yardage for males, females and seniors.

  • League fee is $200.00 per person (all simulator fees included)

  • If a player does not show up for their match, they will be disqualified for that round and their opponent will be awarded 9 points.



  • There will be a $100.00 prize each week for each bracket to be divided equally for Low Net and Low Gross.

  • Each week players will be able to buy-in for closest to the pin.

  • Week 12 will be the playoff week with top 4 teams from each bracket making the playoffs. 

  • Winner of each bracket plays for the championship. 2nd place bracket finishers play for 3rd place.

  • 1st Place-$1300.00

  • 2nd Place-$700.00

  • 3rd Place-$400.00



  • Lower handicap from team A plays lower handicap from team B, higher handicap team A plays higher handicap form team B.

  • Each player will be awarded 1 point for each hole they win. If they tie a hole they each win a ½ point. A team can win a total of 18 points in a match. Total points won over the season will determine seeding for playoffs.

  • The highest score a player can receive is a double bogey.

  • We will use an auto score with the gimme range set to 5 feet.



  • If a player does not already have a handicap, they can establish one with a 1-9 hole simulator round during the month of Dec. The player will be limited to 1 hour to complete their 9 holes. If a player does not complete the nine holes, they will be given a double bogey for each remaining hole.

  • Handicaps will be adjusted after every round and then locked for the playoffs



  • A player can use their own clubs

  • We do ask that you clean your clubs as dirt can get onto simulator screen

  • You can use your own balls, however, the GPC can provide balls and Tees.


Important notes:

  • Because this is a private facility we ask that you use good golf etiquette. We have young athletes that use the facility for practice and we ask you to be respectful with use of language outside simulator bays.

  • We are a dry facility and kindly ask that you do not bring alcohol or smoking products inside the GPC.

  • Proper golf attire is required.