Round 1 (Tue, September 11)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Belt , Bruce
Belt , Steve
Bolme, Dan
Bray, Duane
Buss, Mike
Carlson, George
Cravens, Scott
Elyea, Rick
Hinton, Tom
Hutchison, Don
Ipsen, Rip
Johnson, Dave
Leblanc, Joe
Lewis, Al
littlefield, allan
Logemann, Wayne
Mace, Tom
Marsh, Jeff
mcevilly, terry
Moore, Danny
Nelson, Rick
O'Sullivan, Don
Otto, Donald
Peccia, Joseph
Pellman, Vernon
Roberts, Carl
Santos, Vernie
Sheldon, Don
Smith, Steve
Storey , Doug
Vaughan, Joe
Westling, Ted
Westling, Ted1
White, George
yim, sung