Round 3 (Sun, May 19)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Adam Chiya
Andy Okita
Brandan Kop
Brian Abrigo
Carl Ho
David Long
Desmond Mello
Eisei Thompson
George Mackertich
Howard Miao
Jake Sequin
Jared Kato
Jason Barlow
Joe Phengsavath
Joey Sakaue
John Lohr
Jonathan Ota
Keith Anderson
Mark Murphy
Matt Demello
Matthew Ma
Mike Kawate
Nick Gerard
Phillip Anamizu
Raymond Tendo
Robbie Murakami
Robert Nakagawa
Ron Komine Jr
Scott Ichimura
Shawn Sakoda
Shigeru Matsui
Thayne Costa
Todd Kimura
Travis Deckert
Tyler Isono
Wes Watanabe