The 2019 edition of the USGA Rules of Golf will be observed as amended by the PRSMGC Local Rules.


Local Club Rules:


1.  Lie Improvement.  A player may improve his lie without penalty anywhere in-bounds by not more than six inches.  The improved lie cannot be closer to the hole or change the player's line of sight.  This relief does not include sand traps, greens, or from behind bushes or trees.  However, if a ball rests in a footprint or divot in a sand trap, the ball may be lifted, the sand raked or otherwise smoothed, and the ball replaced in its original position.  See also the USGA "Unplayable ball in the bunker,"  "touching the sand" and "loose impediments" rules described below."


2.  Ground Under Repair.  Reasonable lateral relief without penalty is allowed if a ball is in "ground under repair."  If a ball is in an unmarked damaged part of the course, the Captain/Scorekeeper of the group shall decide if the damaged area is "ground under repair."   Any area where there are fixed or loose stones is considered "under repair."  


3.  Out of Bounds (OB).  If a ball is hit out of bounds (across the white stakes) and no provisional ball was hit, the player may drop a ball within two club lengths of where the original shot crossed the OB markers.  The penalty is one stroke. Alternatively, the player may elect to drop a ball at the nearest fairway edge from the point where the original shot went out of bounds.  The penalty if this option is selected is two strokes.  Note: at Pine Ridge any ball that crosses a paved road is considered OB.


4.  Permanent Leaf Rule.  If a ball is lost in bounds, such as in leaves or other rough terrain, another ball may be dropped in the same general vacinity without penalty.  This relief is not available when the player's ball is lost in the woods or penalty areas.


5.  Unplayable Lie.  Relief not exceeding two club lengths from natural fixed or growing objects, such as trees and bushes, can be obtained only by declaring the ball unplayable under penalty of one stroke. When the ball is in rocks or among tree roots, it may be moved to an adjacent grass area without penalty but not from behind trees or bushes.


6.  Pace of Play.  Forego "honors"; play out of turn with no penalty whenever it is safe.  Practice continuous putting until your ball is holed; common sense will dictate exceptions.  If a group is over one full hole behind the group ahead, the Captain/Scorekeeper should instruct the members to pick up their balls and advance to the next tee box.  No scores should be recorded for the skipped hole and the Tournament Manager will insert par plus handicap stroke(s) on the card after the round is completed.  Players in the group will remain eligible for tournament prizes.  


7.  NO GIMMEEs.  Putt out on each hole.


8.  Incomplete holes.  The maximum score for any hole is double par (6 on par 3s, 8 on par 4s, 10 on par 5s).  Upon reaching the maximum, the player shall pick up his ball and record that number as his score for the hole.


9.  Use of distance measuring devices is permitted.


For easy reference, the most significant USGA rule changes for 2019 are summarized:


a.  Search time.  The maximum search time to locate a lost ball is three minutes.


b.  Ball moved during search.  No penalty.  A player may use his feet or club to search in thick grass or in leaves without consequences.  The ball should be replaced in the original location.


c.  Embedded ball.  Free relief everywhere except in bunkers or penalty areas.


d.  Club length.  Now defined as the longest club in your bag, except for the putter.


e.  Dropping.  From knee height.


f.  Ball hits the player or equipment.  No penalty if it happens accidentally.


g.  Double hit.  This counts as only a single stroke.


h.  Touching the sand in the bunker.  No penalty if your club contacts the sand incidentally before the stroke. However, testing the conditions of the sand, improving the line of play, grounding the club in front of or behind the ball, and touching the sand during practice swings is not permitted.


i.   Loose impediments.  You can remove leaves, twigs, stones, branches etc. anywhere (including bunkers and penalty areas) without penalty.


j.   Unplayable ball in the bunker.  A player is allowed to drop a ball in the bunker with a one stroke penalty as before.  However, at the player's option, he may take relief outside the sand directly behind the bunker.  This option costs two penalty strokes.


k.   Penalty areas (red or yellow stakes).  This term replaces the phrase "water hazards."  The player may play the ball as it lies from the penalty area if possible.   Or he may take penalty relief.  In yellow-staked areas, his two options are: stroke and distance or back-on-the line relief.  In red-staked areas only, the player has an additional option.  He may take lateral relief, two club lengths and not nearer the hole, from the point where the original ball crossed the red markers.  The penalty is one stroke.   (Note: Pine Ridge has designated drop areas across the water on holes #8 and 14.) 


l.  Damage on the green.  This can be repaired along the line of the putt.


m.  Flagstick. Putting with the flagstick in the hole is permitted and a ball wedged on the flagstick is classed as holed if part of it rests below  the lip of the cup.  (Note:  to speed play, PRSMGC encourages its members to leave the flagstick in the hole on lag putts and remove it, if at all, only on tap-ins.)


Additional USGA rules:


a.  Playing the wrong ball.  Two penalty strokes.


b.  Maximum number of clubs--14.


c.  Hitting outside the tee box.  Two penalty strokes.


d.  Ball on cart path.  No penalty; relief is one club length
