1.  The Club uses a computerized system for handicapping.  Those members who belong to both Pine Ridge and Mount Pleasant must declare one club as their “home course” and will pay the computer fee there.  Handicaps will be computed only by the club at that course.   Handicaps are adjusted for course slope and are available to the other course for tournament play.


2.   Scores for all tournament rounds played must be submitted as follows:  For each round played, the card must show the actual score for each hole.   The card must be legible, dated, signed and attested and must show the name of each member in the group.  The card is to be turned in to the Pro Shop.  The scores are recorded and then put into the computer by the management of Pine Ridge.   


3.   The USGA handicap system will be used to determine individual handicaps.


        Gross Score:  The actual gross score for the round.  This is the score used for future handicap calculations.

        Handicap Differential:   The difference between the adjusted gross score and the course rating.


4.   Computing the Handicap

      a.   A player’s handicap is obtained by averaging the 10 lowest handicap differentials of his last 20 rounds.  Handicaps are computed monthly during the season.                 The Handicap Committee is responsible for checking the accuracy of the data submitted for processing.  Handicaps are updated monthly, but will remain the                   same during the two Championship rounds.  Club handicaps carry over from one season to the next.

      b.   For new members, validated handicaps from other organizations will be accepted for tournament play until Club handicaps have been established.  In order to              utilize a handicap temporarily from another organization, the new member must provide a copy of an official handicap document showing the name, location                  and course slope for the other organization, so that an equivalent Pine Ridge handicap may be calculated. 

     c.   For Pine Ridge handicap calculation, the following applies:

            1)  Fewer than five scores – No handicap

            2)  At least five but up to 20 scores, handicaps will be computed by USGA formula

     d. Computer-generated handicaps established at Pine Ridge will be adjusted for play at Mt. Pleasant based on the difference in course rating and slope.