I.        NAME – The name of the organization is PINE RIDGE SENIOR MEN’S GOLF CLUB.


 II.         GOALS:

            1.   To have fun and promote good fellowship among the members.

            2.   To improve the member’s game by playing in tournaments on a regular schedule.


III.         OFFICERS:   The organization shall have the following officers:

            President:  The duties are:

            1.  To preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership.

            2.  To appoint all committee chairmen.

            3.  To serve as ex-officio member of each committee.

            Vice-President:   The duties are:

            1.   To act in the absence of the President.

            2.   To act in whatever capacity assigned to him by the President.

            Secretary:   The duties are:

            1.   To record the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and the General Membership.

            2.   To notify the members of each meeting.       

            Treasurer:   The duties are:

            1.   To collect and deposit all monies due the Club.

            2.   To maintain a simple accounting system, showing all receipts and expenditures of money.

            3.   To make disbursements as required for the operation of the Club.


 IV.       COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN:  The organization shall have the following committee chairmen:

            Alive & Well:  The duties are to send appropriate “get well” or “sympathy” cards to members or their families when notified of a member’s illness or death.

            Audit:   The duties are to examine the Treasurer’s books at the end of each calendar year, or earlier if ordered by the President.

            By-Laws:  The duties are:

            1.  To post all proposed amendments on the bulletin board one month prior to the next General Meeting.

            2.  To bring them to the floor at the next General Meeting.

            Computer:   The duties are:

            1.   To maintain a computerized data bank.

            2.   To provide tailored printouts to support the requirements of the Club Officers and Committees.

            3.   To publish an annual Handbook for distribution to members, containing the following:

                        a)  The By-Laws

                        b)  A list of Officers and Committee Chairmen by name and telephone number

                        c)  Tournament dates

                        d)  Tournament rules

                        e)  Tournament descriptions

                        f)  Handicap system

                        g)  A roster of all members, showing name and telephone number.     

Handicap:  The duties are to monitor the entries made by course management and coordinate scoring between Pine Ridge and Mount Pleasant for those who play at both courses.

            Membership:   The duties are:

            1.  To receive and process all applications for membership.

            2)  To collect the yearly membership dues.

            3)  To maintain a waiting list for membership in the Club.

            4)  To maintain a roster of active members.

Nominating:  The duties are to propose a slate of officer candidates to the membership at the Fall   General meeting.

            Rules/Grievance:  The duties are:

            1.  To interpret the USGA “Rules of Golf” as well as local tournament rules when called upon to do so.

            2.  To arbitrate, with members of this committee, any disputes that may arise concerning golf rules and grievances when presented in writing by the                                     parties involved.

            Tournament:  The duties are:

            1.  To schedule all tournament dates.

            2.  To be responsible for the administration of tournament procedures.



            1.  All officers and Committee Chairmen shall be members of the Executive Board.

            2.  Any two members of the Executive Board can direct the President to call a meeting.

            3.  The Executive Board shall act only in accordance with the By-Laws.



            1.  Members must be 62 years of age or older and must pay yearly dues to be eligible.

            2.  The membership will be limited to 125 men.

            3.  The Executive Board may withhold or withdraw membership from those who conduct themselves in an unsociable or unsportsmanlike manner.

            4.  All members are expected to assist in running tournaments and other activities of the Club.

            5.  All members have the privilege of filing a grievance in writing with the Rules/Grievance Committee.    



             1.  Yearly dues will be assessed all members of the Club.  The amount shall be set at the Fall General Meeting.

2.  Yearly dues of current members should be paid by the annual Spring Membership meeting but will be accepted as late as the first scheduled tournament of the coming season.  New members shall pay his initial year's dues when he submits his application to join the Club.

3. Wally Sennott Rule - All members that are of the age of 90 or older are exempt from paying dues and exempt from paying the Pine Ridge handicap scoring system fee.



            1.  All meetings shall have a specific agenda.

            2.  A Fall General Meeting shall be held after the close of the tournament season to:

                  a. Evaluate the past year’s progress.

                  b. Receive the Audit Committee Report.

                  c. Elect officers for the next year.

                  d. Discuss any new business for the coming year.



The presence of a majority of the members of the Executive Board for its meetings is necessary to conduct official business.



            1.  Election of officers shall be held at the Fall General Meeting.

            2.  Nominations, in addition to the slate of candidates presented by the Nominating Committee, may be made from the floor.

            3.  Elections shall be determined by the majority of votes cast by the members who are present.

            4.  The officers to be elected are the Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

            5.  The Vice-President will succeed automatically to the office of President, unless circumstances make this impractical, in which case an election for                                 President will be needed.

            6.  The term of office of new officers shall become effective upon their election at the Fall General Meeting.

            7.  The office of President or Vice-President shall normally be for one year, but not to exceed two years.


XI. RULES OF ORDER:  The book “Robert’s Rules of Order” will govern parliamentary procedure.