Beginning in 2019, the SDGA will be using a new online entry system. It is called USGA Tournament Management powered by Golf Genius (USGA TM). As it is a new system, everyone will be required to create a new player profile before they are able to enter an event online.


STEP 1 - NEW USERS - Register to Create a Player Profile

Create your Participant Profile with the South Dakota Golf Association.  Click SIGN IN / REGISTER or use the Sign In/Register icon to begin the registration process and create your participant profile. Once your SDGA Participant Profile is created, it may be used for registration for all eligible SDGA events you may participate in.  Remember your username and password. This email address will serve as the login username for that account when signing up for events.

You are strongly encouraged to sign up using your SDGA/GHIN member number.  If you do not know it please contact our office or your home club and we can provide it to you.


Players must have an active GHIN account in order to participate in SDGA Championships.  

For Team Championships, both partners must have a profile created in order to register for the event. 


Once you have completed the SDGA Player Profile you are now ready to Register for Seminars. 


STEP 2 - Event Registration

Log in to your account and click SIGN UP FOR A SEMINAR. You may now select the Seminar or Seminars you wish to attend.  You may also log in to add or change event registrations, or edit your profile.