KGA Amateur Series Championship Qualifying Guidelines


The KGA Amateur Series Championship is an invitational of 96 players to be held at Kearney Hill Golf Links on September 16th.  Invitations to the Series Championship are based upon the KGA Amateur Series Player Rankings as of the last KGA Amateur Series Event.


Notes 1:

Invitations are first awarded to the players on the gross rankings and then the net rankings.  If a player is eligible for net, but is also eligible for gross, their position shall be awarded to the next player on the net rankings.


Note 2: 

Regardless how a person qualifies, all players shall compete for both gross and net in the Series Championship.


Invitation Methodology

Each division receives a guaranteed 12 invitations.    This accounts for 72 of the 96 invitations.  The remaining 24 invitations are awarded based on participation per division as of the last event. (see points list for total number of participants.)  For example, a division that has 36 of the 170 (21%) unique participants shall receive 8 of the additional invitations.  Invitations for Divisions with gross and net scoring are equally distributed between gross and net.



Each division can have up to 75% of their unique players play in the Series Championship.  For example, a division with 37 of the 170 unique players receives 20 invitations.  This is 54% of their total unique players.  This division can have up to 8 alternates (20 + 8 = 28 = 75% of the 37 unique players) placed in the field.  Alternate positions are filled from the rankings the invited player earned his invitation e.g., net is filled from net.