2019 Senior Series- The Pines Country Club (9:00am) Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Thu, May 16

The Pines Country Club
Time Hole Players
The Pines Country Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Bowers, Bill
9:00 AM 7 Blue Flanigan, Chuck + Wiley, Rick + kaczmarek, Steve
Bush, David
9:00 AM 8 White Mason, Gregory + Skiles, James
Buzzerd, James
9:00 AM 16 Blue Hare, Charles + Knotts, Barry + Smyth, John
Byrne, William
9:00 AM 6 Blue Kanios, Ed + Rudy, Edward + Williamson, William
Carder, Richard
9:00 AM 1 Blue Marrara, Mike + Witt, Ron + Workman, Chuck
Clark, Bob
9:00 AM 15 Black Hornick, Ray + Potts, Michael + Wilson, Michael
Drake, John
9:00 AM 9 White Foster, Dickey + Griffin, Harry + Hale, Jim
Estepp, Al
9:00 AM 17 Blue Mitchell, Kenny + Richards, Jack + Rusin, Terrence
Flanigan, Chuck
9:00 AM 7 Blue Bowers, Bill + Wiley, Rick + kaczmarek, Steve
Foster, Dickey
9:00 AM 9 Blue Drake, John + Griffin, Harry + Hale, Jim
Gaskins, Gary
9:00 AM 13 Blue Gaskins, James + Moore, Ken + Seese, Rich
Gaskins, James
9:00 AM 13 White Gaskins, Gary + Moore, Ken + Seese, Rich
Griffin, Harry
9:00 AM 9 Blue Drake, John + Foster, Dickey + Hale, Jim
Grubb, David
9:00 AM 10 Blue Houchin, Jeff + Varda, John + Zdanek, Bob
Hale, Jim
9:00 AM 9 White Drake, John + Foster, Dickey + Griffin, Harry
Hare, Charles
9:00 AM 16 Blue Buzzerd, James + Knotts, Barry + Smyth, John
Hiener, Steve
9:00 AM 12 White Macaulay, Tom + Watson, Ben + White, Bob
Hornick, Ray
9:00 AM 15 Black Clark, Bob + Potts, Michael + Wilson, Michael
Houchin, Jeff
9:00 AM 10 Black Grubb, David + Varda, John + Zdanek, Bob
Kanios, Ed
9:00 AM 6 Blue Byrne, William + Rudy, Edward + Williamson, William
Knotts, Barry
9:00 AM 16 Blue Buzzerd, James + Hare, Charles + Smyth, John
Macaulay, Tom
9:00 AM 12 White Hiener, Steve + Watson, Ben + White, Bob
Manner, Harold
9:00 AM 14 Blue Mount, Tim + Phillips, Dave + Stemple, Van
Marrara, Mike
9:00 AM 1 Black Carder, Richard + Witt, Ron + Workman, Chuck
Mason, Gregory
9:00 AM 8 White Bush, David + Skiles, James
Mayhorn, Bartley
9:00 AM 11 Blue McCallister, David + Shepherd, Paul + Tonkery, David
McCallister, David
9:00 AM 11 Blue Mayhorn, Bartley + Shepherd, Paul + Tonkery, David
Mitchell, Kenny
9:00 AM 17 White Estepp, Al + Richards, Jack + Rusin, Terrence
Moore, Ken
9:00 AM 13 White Gaskins, Gary + Gaskins, James + Seese, Rich
Mount, Tim
9:00 AM 14 Black Manner, Harold + Phillips, Dave + Stemple, Van
Phillips, Dave
9:00 AM 14 Black Manner, Harold + Mount, Tim + Stemple, Van
Potts, Michael
9:00 AM 15 White Clark, Bob + Hornick, Ray + Wilson, Michael
Richards, Jack
9:00 AM 17 White Estepp, Al + Mitchell, Kenny + Rusin, Terrence
Ridenour, John
9:00 AM 18 Black Roush, Gary + Roush, Mitch
Roush, Gary
9:00 AM 18 White Ridenour, John + Roush, Mitch
Roush, Mitch
9:00 AM 18 Black Ridenour, John + Roush, Gary
Rudy, Edward
9:00 AM 6 Blue Byrne, William + Kanios, Ed + Williamson, William
Rusin, Terrence
9:00 AM 17 Blue Estepp, Al + Mitchell, Kenny + Richards, Jack
Seese, Rich
9:00 AM 13 Blue Gaskins, Gary + Gaskins, James + Moore, Ken
Shepherd, Paul
9:00 AM 11 Black Mayhorn, Bartley + McCallister, David + Tonkery, David
Skiles, James
9:00 AM 8 Blue Bush, David + Mason, Gregory
Smyth, John
9:00 AM 16 Blue Buzzerd, James + Hare, Charles + Knotts, Barry
Stemple, Van
9:00 AM 14 Black Manner, Harold + Mount, Tim + Phillips, Dave
Tonkery, David
9:00 AM 11 Blue Mayhorn, Bartley + McCallister, David + Shepherd, Paul
Varda, John
9:00 AM 10 Black Grubb, David + Houchin, Jeff + Zdanek, Bob
Watson, Ben
9:00 AM 12 White Hiener, Steve + Macaulay, Tom + White, Bob
White, Bob
9:00 AM 12 White Hiener, Steve + Macaulay, Tom + Watson, Ben
Wiley, Rick
9:00 AM 7 Blue Bowers, Bill + Flanigan, Chuck + kaczmarek, Steve
Williamson, William
9:00 AM 6 Blue Byrne, William + Kanios, Ed + Rudy, Edward
Wilson, Michael
9:00 AM 15 Blue Clark, Bob + Hornick, Ray + Potts, Michael
Witt, Ron
9:00 AM 1 White Carder, Richard + Marrara, Mike + Workman, Chuck
Workman, Chuck
9:00 AM 1 Black Carder, Richard + Marrara, Mike + Witt, Ron
Zdanek, Bob
9:00 AM 10 Black Grubb, David + Houchin, Jeff + Varda, John
kaczmarek, Steve
9:00 AM 7 Black Bowers, Bill + Flanigan, Chuck + Wiley, Rick