Player Event Standings

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Player Times Played Total Purse Avg. Gross Avg. Net Low Gross Low Net
Elmes, Riley 3 $ 750.00 69.0 74.0 67.0 72.0
Vaughan, Joe 3 $ 600.00 78.3 73.3 74.0 69.0
Barry, Carson 3 $ 600.00 71.3 75.3 70.0 74.0
Strickland, Jim 3 $ 600.00 73.0 72.0 72.0 71.0
O’Donnell , Pat 3 $ 600.00 73.7 75.7 73.0 75.0
O'Neal, Jake 3 $ 600.00 72.3 72.3 69.0 69.0
Hanson, Erik 3 $ 600.00 71.7 75.7 69.0 73.0
Little, Carson 3 $ 500.00 71.7 73.7 70.0 72.0
Huntington, Eli 3 $ 500.00 76.0 73.0 74.0 71.0
Stamey, Alex 3 $ 500.00 74.0 74.0 70.0 70.0
Dukeminier, Chris 3 $ 500.00 72.3 75.3 71.0 74.0
Frey, Matthew 3 $ 500.00 78.0 73.0 73.0 68.0
Von Lossow, John 3 $ 500.00 76.7 73.7 72.0 69.0
Sica, Mike 3 $ 400.00 73.3 74.3 71.0 72.0
Burnett, Kevin 3 $ 400.00 78.0 74.0 77.0 73.0
Strickland, Mark 3 $ 400.00 72.3 73.3 70.0 71.0
Strickland, Jeff 3 $ 400.00 76.0 74.0 73.0 71.0
Brandes, Tom 3 $ 400.00 74.7 74.7 72.0 72.0
Itterman, Ben 3 $ 375.00 72.0 77.0 70.0 75.0
Baade, Derek 3 $ 375.00 72.0 75.0 71.0 74.0
Bjorke, Bjorn 3 $ 350.00 73.7 75.7 70.0 72.0
Roll, Michael 3 $ 350.00 82.7 74.7 80.0 72.0
O'Neal, Tim 3 $ 350.00 75.3 75.3 72.0 72.0
Phan, Le 3 $ 315.00 82.7 74.7 78.0 70.0
Winsheimer, Kaleb 3 $ 315.00 82.7 74.7 80.0 72.0
Dalton , Jed 3 $ 315.00 73.7 73.7 69.0 69.0
Miller, Jonny 3 $ 315.00 75.7 73.7 74.0 72.0
Kato, Sean 3 $ 280.00 72.3 75.3 67.0 70.0
Alford, Scott 3 $ 280.00 80.0 75.0 77.0 72.0
Beavers, Kevin 3 $ 280.00 74.3 76.3 70.0 72.0
Larson, Craig 3 $ 260.00 76.3 75.3 75.0 74.0
Guernsey, Gregg 3 $ 260.00 76.3 75.3 73.0 72.0
Yano, Noah 3 $ 240.00 75.3 75.3 69.0 69.0
Killip, Riley 3 $ 240.00 73.0 77.0 69.0 73.0
Houvener, Paul 3 $ 240.00 77.3 75.3 76.0 74.0
Schuurmans, Nik 3 $ 240.00 78.0 75.0 75.0 72.0
Romano, Korban 3 $ 230.00 74.0 74.0 69.0 69.0
Jackson, Kris 3 $ 230.00 75.0 74.0 73.0 72.0
Carlson, Chase 3 $ 220.00 73.3 78.3 70.0 75.0
Poletiek, Jay 3 $ 220.00 76.3 76.3 76.0 76.0
Crimp, Keith 3 $ 220.00 78.7 78.7 75.0 75.0
Daniels, Larry 3 $ 205.00 79.7 75.7 75.0 71.0
Palin, Doug 3 $ 205.00 83.7 75.7 80.0 72.0
Carver, Scott 3 $ 193.33 78.3 75.3 75.0 72.0
Redfield, Larry 3 $ 193.33 79.3 75.3 78.0 74.0
Olsen, Jeff 3 $ 193.33 77.3 75.3 74.0 72.0
Shafer, Dick 3 $ 190.00 79.0 77.0 76.0 74.0
Snow, William 3 $ 190.00 73.7 74.7 72.0 73.0
Romano, Jon 3 $ 190.00 73.7 74.7 72.0 73.0
Hartley, Matt 3 $ 180.00 77.3 78.3 73.0 74.0
Christianson, Dana 3 $ 180.00 77.3 76.3 77.0 76.0
White, George 3 $ 170.00 79.3 78.3 74.0 73.0
Reese, Jeff 3 $ 170.00 85.3 76.0 83.0 74.0
Palewicz , Nick 3 $ 170.00 78.3 75.3 74.0 71.0
Roth, Cody 3 $ 145.00 74.0 78.0 72.0 76.0
De La Torre, Gaston 3 $ 145.00 74.7 75.7 72.0 73.0
Ward , Johnny 3 $ 145.00 74.0 77.0 72.0 75.0
Harlow, Chris 3 $ 145.00 77.7 77.7 74.0 74.0
Britt, Bob 3 $ 145.00 79.7 77.7 75.0 73.0
Johnson, Doug 3 $ 145.00 83.0 77.7 82.0 77.0
Hansen, David 3 $ 145.00 74.0 76.0 73.0 75.0
Asbury, Bryan 3 $ 145.00 81.7 75.7 78.0 72.0
Wandro, Scott 3 $ 120.00 87.0 78.0 85.0 76.0
St. Clair, Wes 3 $ 120.00 80.7 78.7 77.0 75.0
Schwartz, Josh 3 $ 60.00 83.7 76.7 81.0 74.0
Johnson, Curtis 3 $ 60.00 85.7 76.7 82.0 73.0
Cannon, Ty 3 $ 60.00 78.0 78.0 76.0 76.0
Rhoades, Marc 3 $ 60.00 78.0 79.0 73.0 74.0
Schmidt, Taylor 3 $ 40.00 76.0 76.0 75.0 75.0
Snoey, Daniel 3 $ 40.00 74.0 76.0 72.0 74.0
Rumpf, Connor 3 $ 40.00 76.0 76.0 73.0 73.0
Langham, Sean 3 $ 0.00 76.7 76.7 70.0 70.0
Terrell, Dan 3 $ 0.00 77.7 78.7 76.0 77.0
Moses, Logan 3 $ 0.00 88.7 83.7 87.0 82.0
Schaller, Jeff 3 $ 0.00 82.3 77.3 80.0 75.0
Winn, Kelly 3 $ 0.00 82.3 77.3 80.0 75.0
Keil, Morgan 3 $ 0.00 84.7 79.7 78.0 73.0
Kaylor, Dan 3 $ 0.00 98.0 87.0 87.0 76.0
Camp, Perry 3 $ 0.00 99.7 85.3 95.0 80.0
Simonds, Dexter 3 $ 0.00 79.0 83.0 72.0 76.0
Campbell, Braeden 3 $ 0.00 75.3 78.3 74.0 77.0
Reinke, Drew 3 $ 0.00 78.3 79.3 75.0 76.0
Darnell, Austin 3 $ 0.00 79.0 81.0 72.0 74.0
Maahs, Tanner 3 $ 0.00 82.3 80.3 81.0 79.0
Bollin, Dale 3 $ 0.00 80.7 79.7 77.0 76.0
Green, Calvin 3 $ 0.00 77.0 78.0 74.0 75.0
Mansfield, Will 3 $ 0.00 77.3 79.3 73.0 75.0
Lamothe, Chase 3 $ 0.00 78.0 78.0 73.0 73.0
Rystadt , Curtís 3 $ 0.00 84.7 82.7 79.0 77.0
Johnson, Robert 3 $ 0.00 85.3 80.3 84.0 79.0
Torkelson, Niklas 3 $ 0.00 88.3 79.3 87.0 78.0
Reed, Henry 3 $ 0.00 87.3 81.3 86.0 80.0
Griswold, Charley 2 $ 0.00 79.0 78.0 79.0 78.0
Webb, Jeremy 3 $ 0.00 85.7 79.7 81.0 75.0
Lobis, Keith 3 $ 0.00 79.0 80.0 73.0 74.0
Humphreys, Brian 3 $ 0.00 74.7 78.7 74.0 78.0
Murai, Max 3 $ 0.00 80.7 81.7 80.0 81.0
Schalker, Chris 3 $ 0.00 83.7 80.7 78.0 75.0
Peterson, Eric 3 $ 0.00 82.0 77.0 82.0 77.0
Booher, Tim 3 $ 0.00 82.0 77.0 80.0 75.0
Sitton V, Charles 3 $ 0.00 76.0 79.0 72.0 75.0
Asaro, Atlas 3 $ 0.00 78.0 81.0 75.0 78.0
Jung, Philip 3 $ 0.00 85.7 82.7 81.0 78.0
Bratton, Mark 3 $ 0.00 83.3 77.3 79.0 73.0
Laase, Matthew 2 $ 0.00 82.0 81.0 81.0 80.0
Zurakowski, Neil 3 $ 0.00 85.0 79.0 83.0 77.0
Yedziniak, Jay 3 $ 0.00 83.7 81.7 78.0 76.0
Langford, Clare 3 $ 0.00 82.0 81.0 79.0 78.0
Ward, Jeff 3 $ 0.00 82.3 82.3 77.0 77.0
Wright, Jeff 3 $ 0.00 80.3 77.3 77.0 74.0
Brinkley, Carson 3 $ 0.00 82.3 82.3 78.0 78.0
Wilson, Cole 3 $ 0.00 78.7 81.7 74.0 77.0
Overdorf, Robert 3 $ 0.00 88.7 80.7 85.0 77.0
Rachinski, Deryk 3 $ 0.00 86.3 81.3 84.0 79.0
Montgomery, Tony 3 $ 0.00 85.0 80.0 83.0 78.0
Schafer, Jack 3 $ 0.00 82.3 78.3 82.0 78.0
Stewart, Larry 3 $ 0.00 93.7 84.3 90.0 81.0
Park, David 3 $ 0.00 81.0 78.0 77.0 74.0
Carnese, Austin 3 $ 0.00 78.3 80.3 76.0 78.0
Cassinelli, Tim 3 $ 0.00 90.0 81.0 88.0 79.0
Brady, Jerry 3 $ 0.00 85.3 78.3 83.0 76.0
Yeaw, Walter 3 $ 0.00 93.3 84.3 90.0 81.0
Kastner, Eric 3 $ 0.00 87.3 79.3 86.0 78.0
Click, Jack 3 $ 0.00 79.3 80.3 76.0 77.0
Christel, Kyle 3 $ 0.00 80.7 76.7 78.0 74.0
Tagliareni, Seth 3 $ 0.00 86.0 78.0 79.0 71.0
Stember, Nate 3 $ 0.00 74.3 78.3 72.0 76.0
Spicer, Austin 3 $ 0.00 77.3 82.3 72.0 77.0
Swofford, Denny 3 $ 0.00 90.7 79.7 88.0 77.0
Snyder, Kurt 3 $ 0.00 83.7 77.7 81.0 75.0
Andrews, Travis 3 $ 0.00 85.3 83.3 81.0 79.0
D'Amelio, John 3 $ 0.00 77.0 77.0 74.0 74.0
Wheeler, Bob 3 $ 0.00 82.0 82.0 81.0 81.0
Hood, Bill 3 $ 0.00 82.7 78.7 78.0 74.0
Watson, Carey 3 $ 0.00 82.7 79.7 81.0 78.0
Swenson, Stein 1 $ 0.00 44.0 42.0 44.0 42.0
Karns, Bradley 2 $ 0.00 80.0 79.0 78.0 77.0
Taylor, Denny 3 $ 0.00 82.0 79.0 79.0 76.0
Peerce, Steve 3 $ 0.00 88.3 80.3 86.0 78.0
Benson, Ben 3 $ 0.00 83.3 78.3 77.0 72.0
Nelson, Tyler 3 $ 0.00 75.3 76.3 72.0 73.0
Bagdade, Philip 3 $ 0.00 75.7 77.7 73.0 75.0
McKee, Brent 3 $ 0.00 79.7 79.7 73.0 73.0
Fenton, Eric 3 $ 0.00 88.0 82.0 84.0 78.0
Vaughan, Sandy 3 $ 0.00 77.3 79.3 76.0 78.0
Banks, Landon 3 $ 0.00 77.0 78.0 75.0 76.0
Navarro, James 3 $ 0.00 80.0 80.0 77.0 77.0
Chrisman, Cole 3 $ 0.00 83.3 85.3 77.0 79.0
Fried, Cody 3 $ 0.00 81.7 78.7 81.0 78.0
Johnson, Cody 3 $ 0.00 77.3 76.3 73.0 72.0
Cleland, Zach 3 $ 0.00 81.0 79.0 76.0 74.0
Colby, Marshall 3 $ 0.00 80.3 81.3 73.0 74.0
Pennington, Jack 3 $ 0.00 81.7 83.7 77.0 79.0
Banks, Doug 3 $ 0.00 84.0 81.0 82.0 79.0
Kingsbaker, Charles 3 $ 0.00 79.0 79.0 76.0 76.0
Perkins, Eric 3 $ 0.00 85.0 79.0 81.0 75.0
Johansen, Mike 3 $ 0.00 76.0 78.0 74.0 76.0
Andersen, Dane 3 $ 0.00 91.7 83.7 89.0 81.0
Krautter, Nick 3 $ 0.00 87.3 82.3 81.0 76.0
Philbrook, Matthew 3 $ 0.00 84.0 79.0 81.0 76.0
Mueller, Mike 3 $ 0.00 86.0 79.0 82.0 75.0
Stone, Robert 2 $ 0.00 85.0 81.0 85.0 81.0
Karsten, Grayson 3 $ 0.00 80.0 79.0 77.0 76.0
Pfeifer, Nick 3 $ 0.00 79.5 79.5 78.0 78.0
Blossom, Ryan 3 $ 0.00 85.0 84.0 77.0 76.0
Frank, Eric 3 $ 0.00 78.7 81.7 77.0 80.0
Palin, John 3 $ 0.00 88.0 80.0 86.0 78.0
Totals:   $ 20,039.99