2020 CGA Four-Ball Championship - Legacy Ridge Golf Course Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Fri, August 28

Legacy Ridge Golf Course / CGA Four-Ball
Time Hole Players
Legacy Ridge Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Aaron Irving Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
8:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Andy Dannewitz / Brian Richmeier / Sean Crowley
Andrew Maier Green Valley Ranch Golf Club
8:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Bryan Rusin / Chris Thayer / Nick Nosewicz
Andrew Sexton CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
9:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Eric Wade / John Williams / Johnny Williams
Andy Brooks Commonground Golf Club
9:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Brian Oconnor / Chad Lounsbury / Joe Jenkin
Andy Dannewitz The Club at Ravenna
8:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Aaron Irving / Brian Richmeier / Sean Crowley
Austin Evans Metro Denver eClub
8:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Jared Butler / John Butler / Mathew Smelker
Austin Snedden Bear Creek Golf Club
10:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Ethan Yamada / Matthew Zions / Steve Irwin
Benjamin Kordon Fort Collins Country Club
8:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Derek Hofmeister / Grant Taylor / Kyle Burns
Brandon Schwulst Omni Interlocken Resort
8:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Eric Miller / Greg Pattison / Kurt Lindgren
Brian Oconnor Commonground Golf Club
9:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andy Brooks / Chad Lounsbury / Joe Jenkin
Brian Richmeier Meadow Hills Golf Course Men
8:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Aaron Irving / Andy Dannewitz / Sean Crowley
Brooks Ferring Lakewood Country Club
8:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Charlie Santaularia / Jared Baldwin / Matt Evelyn
Bryan Rusin Green Valley Ranch Golf Club
8:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Maier / Chris Thayer / Nick Nosewicz
Chad Lounsbury Commonground Golf Club
9:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andy Brooks / Brian Oconnor / Joe Jenkin
Charles Sahlman Cherry Creek Country Club
9:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Charles Soule / Jason Browder / Sean Thomas
Charles Soule CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
9:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Charles Sahlman / Jason Browder / Sean Thomas
Charlie Santaularia Lakewood Country Club
8:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Brooks Ferring / Jared Baldwin / Matt Evelyn
Chris Beabout Colorado Avidgolfer Passport C
8:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Christopher Roehrkasse / Dillan Ward / Jonathan Hewett
Chris Thayer Metro Denver eClub
8:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Maier / Bryan Rusin / Nick Nosewicz
Christopher Roehrkasse Meridian Golf Club
8:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Chris Beabout / Dillan Ward / Jonathan Hewett
Cody Ryan Metro Denver eClub
10:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Guy Sadler / Jeff Hofacker / Richard Donahue
Cole Simmons Southern Colorado Eclub
8:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball David Roberts / Scott Brozena / Wes Keith
Conner Boynton Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
8:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Daniel Garbee / Joel Perez / Tim Dreger
Daniel Garbee Overland Park Golf Club eClub
8:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Conner Boynton / Joel Perez / Tim Dreger
Danny Riskam Olympia Fields Country Club
9:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Neil Metz / Ryan Gumbel / Wesley Martin
David Lysaught Metro Denver eClub
9:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jeff Gravina / Rob Cummings / Timothy Hall
David Roberts CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
8:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Cole Simmons / Scott Brozena / Wes Keith
Derek Hofmeister Greeley Country Club
8:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Benjamin Kordon / Grant Taylor / Kyle Burns
Dillan Ward Colorado Avidgolfer Passport C
8:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Chris Beabout / Christopher Roehrkasse / Jonathan Hewett
Doug Manske Metro Denver eClub
8:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Ethan Whidden / Jared Reid / Shawn Hughes
Eric Miller Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
8:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Brandon Schwulst / Greg Pattison / Kurt Lindgren
Eric Wade CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
9:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Sexton / John Williams / Johnny Williams
Eric Weichselbaumer Buffalo Run Golf Course
9:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Delaney / Tom Flores / Warren Schaal
Ethan Whidden Hillcrest Golf Club
8:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Doug Manske / Jared Reid / Shawn Hughes
Ethan Yamada Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
10:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Austin Snedden / Matthew Zions / Steve Irwin
Grant Taylor Fort Collins Country Club
8:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Benjamin Kordon / Derek Hofmeister / Kyle Burns
Greg Pattison Omni Interlocken Resort
8:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Brandon Schwulst / Eric Miller / Kurt Lindgren
Guy Sadler Fort Collins Country Club
10:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Cody Ryan / Jeff Hofacker / Richard Donahue
Hap Kaufold Red Hawk Ridge GC eClub
9:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jason Brown / Jon Putnam / Matt Thomas
James Richardson South Suburban Golf Course
9:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Joseph Smith / Raphael Martorello / Shane Thomas
Jared Baldwin Bear Creek Golf Club
8:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Brooks Ferring / Charlie Santaularia / Matt Evelyn
Jared Butler Pelican Lakes G & CC
8:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Austin Evans / John Butler / Mathew Smelker
Jared Reid Colorado Avidgolfer Passport C
8:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Doug Manske / Ethan Whidden / Shawn Hughes
Jason Browder Dos Rios Golf Club
9:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Charles Sahlman / Charles Soule / Sean Thomas
Jason Brown The Club at Flying Horse
9:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Hap Kaufold / Jon Putnam / Matt Thomas
Jason Rauzi CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
9:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Matt Neill / Ryan Burke / Tyler Bishop
Jeff Gravina Pinehurst Country Club
9:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball David Lysaught / Rob Cummings / Timothy Hall
Jeff Hofacker Fort Collins Country Club
10:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Cody Ryan / Guy Sadler / Richard Donahue
Jeffrey Welber Red Rocks Country Club
9:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Mitch Stillwell / Slade Marceau / Tommy Bradley
Joe Jenkin Commonground Golf Club
9:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andy Brooks / Brian Oconnor / Chad Lounsbury
Joel Perez Indian Peaks Golf Club
8:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Conner Boynton / Daniel Garbee / Tim Dreger
Joey Madrid Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
8:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Max Olson / Richard Larrimer / Zach Fowlds
John Ahern Fox Hollow GC Men's Eclub
9:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Josh White / Sam Phillips / Tony Panella
John Butler Pelican Lakes G & CC
8:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Austin Evans / Jared Butler / Mathew Smelker
John Delaney Metro Denver eClub
9:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Eric Weichselbaumer / Tom Flores / Warren Schaal
John Hake Indian Peaks Golf eClub
9:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Justin Francesconi / Mike Otepka / Pat Dilsaver
John Williams Colorado Golf Club
9:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Sexton / Eric Wade / Johnny Williams
Johnny Williams Colorado Golf Club
9:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Sexton / Eric Wade / John Williams
Jon Putnam Red Hawk Ridge GC eClub
9:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Hap Kaufold / Jason Brown / Matt Thomas
Jonathan Hewett Meridian Golf Club
8:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Chris Beabout / Christopher Roehrkasse / Dillan Ward
Joseph Smith South Suburban Golf Course
9:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball James Richardson / Raphael Martorello / Shane Thomas
Josh White Willis Case GC Men's Eclub
9:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Ahern / Sam Phillips / Tony Panella
Justin Francesconi Metro Denver eClub
9:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Hake / Mike Otepka / Pat Dilsaver
Kurt Lindgren Omni Interlocken Resort
8:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Brandon Schwulst / Eric Miller / Greg Pattison
Kyle Burns Commonground Golf Club
8:30 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Benjamin Kordon / Derek Hofmeister / Grant Taylor
Mark Dunivan Silver Spruce Golf Course
8:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Matthew Gutowski / Robert Beyer / Ryan Axlund
Mathew Smelker Green Valley Ranch Golf Club
8:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Austin Evans / Jared Butler / John Butler
Matt Evelyn Metro Denver eClub
8:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Brooks Ferring / Charlie Santaularia / Jared Baldwin
Matt Neill Pinery Country Club
9:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jason Rauzi / Ryan Burke / Tyler Bishop
Matt Thomas Ranch Country Club
9:40 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Hap Kaufold / Jason Brown / Jon Putnam
Matthew Gutowski Coal Creek Associates
8:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Mark Dunivan / Robert Beyer / Ryan Axlund
Matthew Zions Metro Denver eClub
10:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Austin Snedden / Ethan Yamada / Steve Irwin
Max Olson Metro Denver E-Club
8:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Joey Madrid / Richard Larrimer / Zach Fowlds
Mike Otepka Metro Denver eClub
9:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Hake / Justin Francesconi / Pat Dilsaver
Mitch Stillwell Pinehurst Country Club
9:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jeffrey Welber / Slade Marceau / Tommy Bradley
Neil Metz Flatirons Golf eClub
9:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Danny Riskam / Ryan Gumbel / Wesley Martin
Nick Nosewicz Commonground Golf Club
8:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Andrew Maier / Bryan Rusin / Chris Thayer
Pat Dilsaver Metro Denver eClub
9:10 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Hake / Justin Francesconi / Mike Otepka
Raphael Martorello Cherry Creek Country Club
9:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball James Richardson / Joseph Smith / Shane Thomas
Richard Donahue Metro Denver eClub
10:00 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Cody Ryan / Guy Sadler / Jeff Hofacker
Richard Larrimer Walnut Creek Golf Preserve
8:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Joey Madrid / Max Olson / Zach Fowlds
Rob Cummings Omni Interlocken Resort
9:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball David Lysaught / Jeff Gravina / Timothy Hall
Robert Beyer Silver Spruce Golf Course
8:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Mark Dunivan / Matthew Gutowski / Ryan Axlund
Ryan Axlund Valley Country Club
8:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Mark Dunivan / Matthew Gutowski / Robert Beyer
Ryan Burke Twin Peaks GC
9:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jason Rauzi / Matt Neill / Tyler Bishop
Ryan Gumbel Meridian Golf Club
9:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Danny Riskam / Neil Metz / Wesley Martin
Sam Phillips Metro Denver eClub
9:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Ahern / Josh White / Tony Panella
Scott Brozena Arrowhead Golf eClub
8:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Cole Simmons / David Roberts / Wes Keith
Sean Crowley Columbine Country Club
8:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Aaron Irving / Andy Dannewitz / Brian Richmeier
Sean Thomas Meridian Golf Club
9:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Charles Sahlman / Charles Soule / Jason Browder
Shane Thomas Metro Denver eClub
9:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball James Richardson / Joseph Smith / Raphael Martorello
Shawn Hughes Metro Denver eClub
8:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Doug Manske / Ethan Whidden / Jared Reid
Slade Marceau Fox Hollow Golf Course
9:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jeffrey Welber / Mitch Stillwell / Tommy Bradley
Steve Irwin Lakewood Country Club
10:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Austin Snedden / Ethan Yamada / Matthew Zions
Tim Dreger Walnut Creek Golf Preserve Men's Eclub
8:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Conner Boynton / Daniel Garbee / Joel Perez
Timothy Hall Omni Interlocken Resort
9:20 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball David Lysaught / Jeff Gravina / Rob Cummings
Tom Flores Coyote Creek Golf Course
9:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Eric Weichselbaumer / John Delaney / Warren Schaal
Tommy Bradley Red Rocks Country Club
9:30 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jeffrey Welber / Mitch Stillwell / Slade Marceau
Tony Panella Willis Case GC Men's Eclub
9:50 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball John Ahern / Josh White / Sam Phillips
Tyler Bishop Ptarmigan Country Club
9:00 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Jason Rauzi / Matt Neill / Ryan Burke
Warren Schaal Northern Colorado Eclub
9:20 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Eric Weichselbaumer / John Delaney / Tom Flores
Wes Keith Colorado Golf Club
8:50 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Cole Simmons / David Roberts / Scott Brozena
Wesley Martin CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
9:10 AM 1 CGA Four-Ball Danny Riskam / Neil Metz / Ryan Gumbel
Zach Fowlds CommonGround GC Men's Eclub
8:40 AM 10 CGA Four-Ball Joey Madrid / Max Olson / Richard Larrimer