'20 State Senior, Mid-Am, and Open Stroke Play Championship - Grand Forks - Country Club Tee Sheet

Round 3 - Open / Round 2 Sr. Mid - Sun, June 14

The Links of North Dakota
Time Players
The Links of North Dakota
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Hengel
235 / 217
10:08 AM Tee Five Ethan Knudson + Gehrig Geiss
Adam Vanraden
232 / 244
9:51 AM Tee Five Jesse Horner + Koby Kuenzel + Ryan Schmidt
Al Shirley
187 / 159
8:00 AM Tee Two Dean Braathen + Russ Newman + Scott Anderson
Alex Skarperud
10:59 AM Tee Five Cody Reynolds + Dylan Naylor + Mason Opheim
Andrew Passanante
222 / 225
11:24 AM Tee Five Lucas Johnson + Taylor Cavanagh + William Carlson
Blaze Ackerland
9:00 AM Tee Five Hunter Myran + Sid Ullyott
Bradley Mahar
245 / 251
9:25 AM Tee Five Brady Bohl + Gavin Argent + Jordan Hatzenbuhler
Brady Bohl
9:25 AM Tee Five Bradley Mahar + Gavin Argent + Jordan Hatzenbuhler
Brady McGarry
240 / 243
10:25 AM Tee Five Tyler Reisenauer + Zach Hinschberger
Brandon McGarry
248 / 254
9:17 AM Tee Five Justin Lamp + Zach Teske
Brandon Olson
241 / 253
10:50 AM Tee Five Eric Aughinbaugh + Jack Olson
Bryce Bye
264 / 261
8:51 AM Tee Five Grant Gardner + Jack Bryan + Jacob Fendrick
Carson Skarperud
252 / 226
9:34 AM Tee Five Logan Schoepp + Sam Suppes
Carson Thompson
230 / 233
10:16 AM Tee Five Ethan Olson + Josh Bergrud + Skylar Belgarde
Chad Skarperud
222 / 219
11:33 AM Tee Five Justin Redding + Mathew Halvorson + Nickolaus Schaefer
Chris Lipsh
179 / 167
8:35 AM Tee Four Joe Bryan + Nate Moen + Steve Tax
Chuck Merck
8:21 AM Tee Two Dan Ystebo + Paul Benson + Tom Pratt
Clint Nelson
174 / 160
8:14 AM Tee Two Mitch Iverson + Todd Schaefer
Cody Reynolds
236 / 248
10:59 AM Tee Five Alex Skarperud + Dylan Naylor + Mason Opheim
Cole Herbel
235 / 244
10:42 AM Tee Five Cole Johnson + Jack McClintock + Jackson Davis
Cole Johnson
235 / 232
10:42 AM Tee Five Cole Herbel + Jack McClintock + Jackson Davis
Connor Holland
238 / 241
11:07 AM Tee Five Matt Norby + Mitch Fifer + Nathan Anderson
Dan Ystebo
8:21 AM Tee Two Chuck Merck + Paul Benson + Tom Pratt
David Dusek
164 / 156
8:42 AM Tee Four Kyle Knutson + Reed Argent + Shane Hannegrefs
Dean Braathen
196 / 172
8:00 AM Tee Two Al Shirley + Russ Newman + Scott Anderson
Doyle Radke
175 / 169
8:07 AM Tee Two Scott Robideaux + William Thoreson
Dylan Naylor
228 / 231
10:59 AM Tee Five Alex Skarperud + Cody Reynolds + Mason Opheim
Easton Evanoff
245 / 242
9:59 AM Tee Five Jacob Skarperud + Jayce Johnson + Seth Badolato
Eric Aughinbaugh
10:50 AM Tee Five Brandon Olson + Jack Olson
Ethan Knudson
238 / 241
10:08 AM Tee Five Adam Hengel + Gehrig Geiss
Ethan Olson
238 / 241
10:16 AM Tee Five Carson Thompson + Josh Bergrud + Skylar Belgarde
Gavin Argent
246 / 240
9:25 AM Tee Five Bradley Mahar + Brady Bohl + Jordan Hatzenbuhler
Gehrig Geiss
10:08 AM Tee Five Adam Hengel + Ethan Knudson
Grant Gardner
277 / 262
8:51 AM Tee Five Bryce Bye + Jack Bryan + Jacob Fendrick
Gregg Schaefer
159 / 157
8:28 AM Tee Two Perry Piatz + Randy Westby + Richard Tentis
Hunter Myran
258 / 264
9:00 AM Tee Five Blaze Ackerland + Sid Ullyott
Jack Bryan
265 / 250
8:51 AM Tee Five Bryce Bye + Grant Gardner + Jacob Fendrick
Jack Lindgren
9:42 AM Tee Five Jackson Ward + Maxwell Karnik + Nicholas Forbes
Jack McClintock
10:42 AM Tee Five Cole Herbel + Cole Johnson + Jackson Davis
Jack Olson
235 / 241
10:50 AM Tee Five Brandon Olson + Eric Aughinbaugh
Jackson Davis
10:42 AM Tee Five Cole Herbel + Cole Johnson + Jack McClintock
Jackson Ward
243 / 240
9:42 AM Tee Five Jack Lindgren + Maxwell Karnik + Nicholas Forbes
Jacob Fendrick
283 / 262
8:51 AM Tee Five Bryce Bye + Grant Gardner + Jack Bryan
Jacob Skarperud
9:59 AM Tee Five Easton Evanoff + Jayce Johnson + Seth Badolato
Jayce Johnson
240 / 237
9:59 AM Tee Five Easton Evanoff + Jacob Skarperud + Seth Badolato
Jayme French
254 / 245
9:08 AM Tee Five Nathan Brewinski + Sam Henke + Zach Johnson
Jesse Horner
230 / 242
9:51 AM Tee Five Adam Vanraden + Koby Kuenzel + Ryan Schmidt
Joe Bryan
195 / 175
8:35 AM Tee Four Chris Lipsh + Nate Moen + Steve Tax
Jordan Hatzenbuhler
240 / 243
9:25 AM Tee Five Bradley Mahar + Brady Bohl + Gavin Argent
Josh Bergrud
10:16 AM Tee Five Carson Thompson + Ethan Olson + Skylar Belgarde
Justin Lamp
250 / 241
9:17 AM Tee Five Brandon McGarry + Zach Teske
Justin Redding
218 / 224
11:33 AM Tee Five Chad Skarperud + Mathew Halvorson + Nickolaus Schaefer
Kessler Heilman
233 / 236
11:16 AM Tee Five Matt Skarperud + Saylor Kuenzel + Tim Skarperud
Koby Kuenzel
9:51 AM Tee Five Adam Vanraden + Jesse Horner + Ryan Schmidt
Kyle Knutson
163 / 151
8:42 AM Tee Four David Dusek + Reed Argent + Shane Hannegrefs
Lee Hetletved
10:33 AM Tee Five Matt Kulla + Tyler Nelson
Logan Schoepp
9:34 AM Tee Five Carson Skarperud + Sam Suppes
Lucas Johnson
225 / 237
11:24 AM Tee Five Andrew Passanante + Taylor Cavanagh + William Carlson
Mason Opheim
232 / 238
10:59 AM Tee Five Alex Skarperud + Cody Reynolds + Dylan Naylor
Mathew Halvorson
223 / 232
11:33 AM Tee Five Chad Skarperud + Justin Redding + Nickolaus Schaefer
Matt Kulla
227 / 236
10:33 AM Tee Five Lee Hetletved + Tyler Nelson
Matt Norby
230 / 236
11:07 AM Tee Five Connor Holland + Mitch Fifer + Nathan Anderson
Matt Skarperud
11:16 AM Tee Five Kessler Heilman + Saylor Kuenzel + Tim Skarperud
Maxwell Karnik
244 / 238
9:42 AM Tee Five Jack Lindgren + Jackson Ward + Nicholas Forbes
Mitch Fifer
229 / 250
11:07 AM Tee Five Connor Holland + Matt Norby + Nathan Anderson
Mitch Iverson
166 / 160
8:14 AM Tee Two Clint Nelson + Todd Schaefer
Nate Moen
166 / 160
8:35 AM Tee Four Chris Lipsh + Joe Bryan + Steve Tax
Nathan Anderson
229 / 235
11:07 AM Tee Five Connor Holland + Matt Norby + Mitch Fifer
Nathan Brewinski
254 / 245
9:08 AM Tee Five Jayme French + Sam Henke + Zach Johnson
Nicholas Forbes
241 / 247
9:42 AM Tee Five Jack Lindgren + Jackson Ward + Maxwell Karnik
Nickolaus Schaefer
223 / 229
11:33 AM Tee Five Chad Skarperud + Justin Redding + Mathew Halvorson
Paul Benson
8:21 AM Tee Two Chuck Merck + Dan Ystebo + Tom Pratt
Perry Piatz
156 / 152
8:28 AM Tee Two Gregg Schaefer + Randy Westby + Richard Tentis
Randy Westby
8:28 AM Tee Two Gregg Schaefer + Perry Piatz + Richard Tentis
Reed Argent
164 / 158
8:42 AM Tee Four David Dusek + Kyle Knutson + Shane Hannegrefs
Richard Tentis
159 / 157
8:28 AM Tee Two Gregg Schaefer + Perry Piatz + Randy Westby
Russ Newman
168 / 174
8:00 AM Tee Two Al Shirley + Dean Braathen + Scott Anderson
Ryan Schmidt
241 / 235
9:51 AM Tee Five Adam Vanraden + Jesse Horner + Koby Kuenzel
Sam Suppes
242 / 245
9:34 AM Tee Five Carson Skarperud + Logan Schoepp
Sam Henke
252 / 246
9:08 AM Tee Five Jayme French + Nathan Brewinski + Zach Johnson
Saylor Kuenzel
234 / 231
11:16 AM Tee Five Kessler Heilman + Matt Skarperud + Tim Skarperud
Scott Anderson
161 / 151
8:00 AM Tee Two Al Shirley + Dean Braathen + Russ Newman
Scott Robideaux
170 / 160
8:07 AM Tee Two Doyle Radke + William Thoreson
Seth Badolato
239 / 245
9:59 AM Tee Five Easton Evanoff + Jacob Skarperud + Jayce Johnson
Shane Hannegrefs
163 / 159
8:42 AM Tee Four David Dusek + Kyle Knutson + Reed Argent
Sid Ullyott
262 / 250
9:00 AM Tee Five Blaze Ackerland + Hunter Myran
Skylar Belgarde
10:16 AM Tee Five Carson Thompson + Ethan Olson + Josh Bergrud
Steve Tax
175 / 165
8:35 AM Tee Four Chris Lipsh + Joe Bryan + Nate Moen
Taylor Cavanagh
227 / 233
11:24 AM Tee Five Andrew Passanante + Lucas Johnson + William Carlson
Tim Skarperud
235 / 238
11:16 AM Tee Five Kessler Heilman + Matt Skarperud + Saylor Kuenzel
Todd Schaefer
165 / 159
8:14 AM Tee Two Clint Nelson + Mitch Iverson
Tom Pratt
173 / 163
8:21 AM Tee Two Chuck Merck + Dan Ystebo + Paul Benson
Tyler Nelson
10:33 AM Tee Five Lee Hetletved + Matt Kulla
Tyler Reisenauer
242 / 251
10:25 AM Tee Five Brady McGarry + Zach Hinschberger
William Carlson
225 / 231
11:24 AM Tee Five Andrew Passanante + Lucas Johnson + Taylor Cavanagh
William Thoreson
169 / 167
8:07 AM Tee Two Doyle Radke + Scott Robideaux
Zach Hinschberger
247 / 250
10:25 AM Tee Five Brady McGarry + Tyler Reisenauer
Zach Johnson
9:08 AM Tee Five Jayme French + Nathan Brewinski + Sam Henke
Zach Teske
257 / 254
9:17 AM Tee Five Brandon McGarry + Justin Lamp