Potowomut GC - Tuesday, July 13 - New Date

Green Valley CC - Monday, July 20

Cranston CC - Monday, Aug. 17
Agawam Hunt - Tuesday, Oct. 6 - New Date and Course

Pawtucket CC - Thursday, Oct. 22 - New Date and Course

Quidnessett CC - Monday, Oct. 26 - New Date and Course


- Do NOT play if you feel sick or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- Please maintain social distancing at all times.
- Do NOT touch or handle any tournament supplies or equipment that is not yours.
- Players are expected to provide their own PPE and other sanitizing materials. Masks should be worn at all times when proper social distancing cannot be practiced or when in any indoor spaces.


Arrival – The general policy is that players are NOT allowed to arrive at the golf course more than 30 minutes prior to their starting time. If a player arrives to the facility prior to this time, he or she must stay at one’s vehicle. The player may use the time to change shoes, stretch and otherwise prepare for the round.


Carts – Two players can ride together if they are from the same household or if they aren't from the same household they SHOULD wear face coverings while riding in the cart. They also must designate one person as the driver of the cart for the entire round.


Walking by either carrying your own bag or using a push cart (if the club allows it), will be allowed. You will also be allowed to have two bags on a cart, with one person walking. Note: there will NOT be more than two carts per foursome.


If you choose to walk, you MUST keep up with the group in front of you. If not, you will be asked to ride on the second nine and in future events. If you choose to walk, there will be no partial refunds.


Practice Facilities – There will be no driving range availability at all this season. The putting green will be the only available facility available for players before teeing off.

Players are first allowed on the putting green within 30 minutes of their tee time. The number of players allowed on the putting green will be restricted to the number of holes that have been cut in the greens.


Practice at the host facility after a player’s round is complete is prohibited.


Starting Tees – Players should check in at their starting tee immediately after the group in front of them has left the teeing area. Pencils, scorecards, tees, sharpies, sunscreen, snacks and water bottles will NOT be available on the starting tees. Players must provide their own.

Paperwork – All tournament paperwork, including scorecards with handicap allotments, will be provided electronically prior to the event. A player is encouraged to view, read and print these materials on their own before their round. They WILL NOT be handed out on the first tee.


Scorecards – Group online scoring is mandatory through the use of the USGA Tournament Management app. If a player is unable to online score, the player is encouraged to bring his or her own score-marking materials (i.e., paper and pencil) as paper scorecards will NOT be given to players. It will be emailed out before the round for the player to print.


One player in each group is required to enter scores for the group through the app. The group’s GGID will be provided to players on the first tee. Players will have until 12 p.m. of the day after the event to have their group’s scores entered in the app. Once that deadline passes, all scores entered will be considered final. You WILL NOT turn in paper scorecards to the Pro Shop.


If you are unable to enter scores on the app, you may email Dalton Balthaser (dbalthaser@rigalinks.org) a photo of your scorecard. Same rules apply. You have until 12 p.m. of the day after the event to email a photo of your scorecard. If not, you will not be eligible for gift certificates for that event.


GIFT CERTIFICATES: To be eligible for Gift Certificates you must: be a RIGA member, have an active R.I. Handicap and have a complete scorecard entered on the Golf Genius app or submitted to Dalton Balthaser by 12 p.m. the day after the event.


SUBSTITUTES: Should a player be unable to play in an event, you may have a substitute. All substitutes need to be emailed to dbalthaser@rigalinks.org before the event, if possible. So the new player can be added to the group for online scoring purposes.


FOOD AND BEVERAGE, RESTROOMS: No water or snacks will be provided or will be out on the golf course. Players must bring their own.

Dining or getting drinks in the clubhouse or restaurant after the round will be on a course-by-course basis and will be communicated prior to each event.

Should you enter the clubhouse at all to use the bathroom or to eat, you MUST wear a face covering. 





Until further notice, we will be playing preferred lies from all bunkers.



For the safety and well-being of all, the flagstick is not to be touched and is to remain in the hole at all times. Rule 13.2 is modified in this way: A player is prohibited from making a stroke with the flagstick removed from the hole.



In the event of a suspension of play for a dangerous situation, all players must proceed to their vehicles and take shelter there.

Communication regarding resumption of play and/or further details after the suspension of play will be communicated via text message and email.


WEEKLY NET CHAMPIONSHIP: The Weekly Net Championship originally scheduled for Oct. 15 at Pawtucket Country Club has been canceled for 2020.