TM Certification Program Registration



Your interest in the Golf Genius TM Certification Program signifies your desire to take a step forward in your professional development.



The Program provides training and in-depth instruction to help customers use our tournament management system with greater ease and confidence. By mastering the power and flexibility of our industry-leading system, you'll learn how to deliver outstanding golf events and/or leagues that result in a truly memorable experience for your golfers. You'll also discover new ways the software allows Clubs and Associations to save valuable time and avoid common hassles while executing the events & leagues.



The decision to register will not only develop your tournament management skills but will also assist in your development of becoming an invaluable industry asset worldwide.



Take the first step towards becoming a
Golf "GENIUS" today!

After registering, your Golf Genius TM Certification Demo Account will be set up within 24-48 hours. Once you log in, you'll need to pay the TM Certification Fee. After payment, your TM Certification Learning Account will be created, allowing you to start your TM Certification journey. Further details will be provided during this process.


Please reach out to for questions. 

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