2021 CGA Women's Dunham Chapman Championship Tee Sheet

Round 2 - Sun, September 12

Keystone Ranch Golf Course
Time Hole Players
Keystone Ranch Golf Course
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alice Sampson (15.8) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
10:00 AM 6B Chapman Red Dawn Vaughn + Laurie Blackmun + Melanie Lunsford
Andrea Dowdy (19.0) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
10:00 AM 14 Chapman Red Ashley Schumar + Judy Maillis + Linda Powell
Anne Cadden (12.3) Ranch Country Club LGA
10:00 AM 3B Chapman Red Lisa Arndt + Nancy Werkmeister + Trish Swanson
Ashley Barto (16.2) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 10B Chapman Red Cindy Ortega + Jenny Elliott + Nanette Neelan
Ashley Schumar (20.2) Wellshire Women 18
10:00 AM 14 Chapman Red Andrea Dowdy + Judy Maillis + Linda Powell
Barbara Fagan (22.8) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
10:00 AM 13B Chapman Red Kelly Stark + Linda Schippers + Tracey James-Miller
Barbara Ingledue (22.6) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 15B Chapman Red Connie Garcia + Deb Limoge + Kitty Luchte
Beckie Harkey (15.7) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 9B Chapman Red Darlene Evans + Linda Masters + Michelle Jensen
Becky Hammer (15.2) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 11 Chapman Red Cathi Logan + Lita Van Cleave + Tami Tidd
Bernadette Liley (16.8) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 12A Chapman Red Kathy Clark + Patty Freeman + Rose-Marie Barton
Beth Breen (14.4) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 7B Chapman Red Kelly McCormick + Mary Repetto + Nancy McGee
Betsy White (9.5) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 1B Chapman Navy Betty Bullington + Sandra Young + Sophia Kelner
Betty Bullington (7.1) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 1B Chapman Navy Betsy White + Sandra Young + Sophia Kelner
Betty-Ann Wittenberg (22.1) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 18A Chapman Red Donna Casey + Lisa Rogowski + Mari Johnson
Brenda Knott (3.2) Metro Denver eClub
10:00 AM 1A Chapman Navy Denise Cohen + Marsha Heitzman + Ron Irons
Carol Clydesdale (12.6) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 8 Chapman Red Dawn Burcham + Janet Thompson + Kris Ciccolo
Cathi Logan (16.7) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 11 Chapman Red Becky Hammer + Lita Van Cleave + Tami Tidd
Cher Tufly (26.7) Willis Case WGA
10:00 AM 16B Chapman Red Jan Squires + Laura Fischer + Victoria Ponce
Cindy Christiano (17.3) Highlands Ranch(Du) Tues LGA
10:00 AM 13A Chapman Red Liza De Pinto + Mary Smith + Suzanne Elkins
Cindy Joos (11.0) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 6A Chapman Red Den Garcia + Joanne Kates + Margi Batal
Cindy Ortega (16.7) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 10B Chapman Red Ashley Barto + Jenny Elliott + Nanette Neelan
Claudine Vierstraete (21.2) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 16A Chapman Red Janice Kollath + Paula Simpson + Wilma Proctor
Connie Garcia (19.7) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 15B Chapman Red Barbara Ingledue + Deb Limoge + Kitty Luchte
Darlene Evans (14.6) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 9B Chapman Red Beckie Harkey + Linda Masters + Michelle Jensen
Dawn Burcham (15.7) Clubs at Cordillera WGA Valley
10:00 AM 8 Chapman Red Carol Clydesdale + Janet Thompson + Kris Ciccolo
Dawn Vaughn (12.7) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 6B Chapman Red Alice Sampson + Laurie Blackmun + Melanie Lunsford
Deb Limoge (21.8) Patty Jewett WGC-18
10:00 AM 15B Chapman Red Barbara Ingledue + Connie Garcia + Kitty Luchte
Deb Sturm (16.8) Columbine CC LGA
10:00 AM 7A Chapman Red Pam Cortez + Phyllis Emrich + Sue Knutson
Debbie Childs (18.3) South Suburban LGA 18
10:00 AM 10A Chapman Red Janine Lowe + Karen Hill + Robin Walker
Debora Kolb (24.8) Colorado State Senior WGA
10:00 AM 15A Chapman Red Harriet Daigle + Jo Anna Cline + Mary Watson
Den Garcia (15.4) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 6A Chapman Red Cindy Joos + Joanne Kates + Margi Batal
Denise Cohen (7.3) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 1A Chapman Navy Brenda Knott + Marsha Heitzman + Ron Irons
Diane Letourneau (22.8) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 18B Chapman Red Lisa Pederson + Marty Obermeyer + Sherri Wirth
Diane Richards (14.2) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 4A Chapman Red Laura Stuto + Margaret Breakey + Paula Zwemke
Donna Casey (19.4) Coal Creek GC WGA
10:00 AM 18A Chapman Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Lisa Rogowski + Mari Johnson
Harriet Daigle (21.2) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 15A Chapman Red Debora Kolb + Jo Anna Cline + Mary Watson
Holly Sterrett (10.3) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 4B Chapman Red Kady Brown + Leanna Rosenow + Lisa Buhlinger
Jan Squires (26.2) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 16B Chapman Red Cher Tufly + Laura Fischer + Victoria Ponce
Janet Thompson (16.0) Clubs at Cordillera WGA Valley
10:00 AM 8 Chapman Red Carol Clydesdale + Dawn Burcham + Kris Ciccolo
Janice Kollath (18.3) Desert Hawk at Pueblo West WGA
10:00 AM 16A Chapman Red Claudine Vierstraete + Paula Simpson + Wilma Proctor
Janine Lowe (13.9) Lone Tree LGA-18
10:00 AM 10A Chapman Red Debbie Childs + Karen Hill + Robin Walker
Jean Miller (10.4) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 2 Chapman Navy Nikki Athey + Susan Hartwell + Valerie Hunter
Jenny Elliott (16.6) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 10B Chapman Red Ashley Barto + Cindy Ortega + Nanette Neelan
Jill Wilcox (9.2) Homestead Weekend Women
10:00 AM 3A Chapman Navy Karen Chase + Karlin Hayes + Kim Wells
Jo Anna Cline (18.3) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 15A Chapman Red Debora Kolb + Harriet Daigle + Mary Watson
Joanne Kates (15.6) Aspen Golf Club WGA
10:00 AM 6A Chapman Red Cindy Joos + Den Garcia + Margi Batal
Judy Maillis (20.2) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 14 Chapman Red Andrea Dowdy + Ashley Schumar + Linda Powell
Kady Brown (10.6) The Club at Flying Horse WGA
10:00 AM 4B Chapman Red Holly Sterrett + Leanna Rosenow + Lisa Buhlinger
Kandi Fitzgerald (17.8) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 5 Chapman Red Linda Krikorian + Linda Lambert + Rosemary Smith
Karen Chase (8.4) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 3A Chapman Navy Jill Wilcox + Karlin Hayes + Kim Wells
Karen Hill (15.8) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 10A Chapman Red Debbie Childs + Janine Lowe + Robin Walker
Karlin Hayes (5.7) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
10:00 AM 3A Chapman Navy Jill Wilcox + Karen Chase + Kim Wells
Kathy Clark (15.0) The Club at Flying Horse WGA
10:00 AM 12A Chapman Red Bernadette Liley + Patty Freeman + Rose-Marie Barton
Kelly McCormick (11.8) Inverness LGA
10:00 AM 7B Chapman Red Beth Breen + Mary Repetto + Nancy McGee
Kelly Stark (17.3) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 13B Chapman Red Barbara Fagan + Linda Schippers + Tracey James-Miller
Kim Wells (9.0) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 3A Chapman Navy Jill Wilcox + Karen Chase + Karlin Hayes
Kitty Luchte (18.2) Patty Jewett WGC-18
10:00 AM 15B Chapman Red Barbara Ingledue + Connie Garcia + Deb Limoge
Kris Ciccolo (17.9) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 8 Chapman Red Carol Clydesdale + Dawn Burcham + Janet Thompson
Kristie Calvin (14.8) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
10:00 AM 9A Chapman Red Mary Watt + Molly Huntsman + Val Talus
Laura Fischer (19.5) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 16B Chapman Red Cher Tufly + Jan Squires + Victoria Ponce
Laura Stuto (11.2) Commonground WGC
10:00 AM 4A Chapman Red Diane Richards + Margaret Breakey + Paula Zwemke
Laurie Blackmun (10.1) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 6B Chapman Red Alice Sampson + Dawn Vaughn + Melanie Lunsford
Leanna Rosenow (8.6) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 4B Chapman Red Holly Sterrett + Kady Brown + Lisa Buhlinger
Linda Krikorian (15.7) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 5 Chapman Red Kandi Fitzgerald + Linda Lambert + Rosemary Smith
Linda Lambert (9.8) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 5 Chapman Red Kandi Fitzgerald + Linda Krikorian + Rosemary Smith
Linda Masters (17.4) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 9B Chapman Red Beckie Harkey + Darlene Evans + Michelle Jensen
Linda Powell (19.7) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 14 Chapman Red Andrea Dowdy + Ashley Schumar + Judy Maillis
Linda Schippers (14.8) Heritage Eagle Bend WGA
10:00 AM 13B Chapman Red Barbara Fagan + Kelly Stark + Tracey James-Miller
Lisa Arndt (6.7) Ranch Country Club LGA
10:00 AM 3B Chapman Red Anne Cadden + Nancy Werkmeister + Trish Swanson
Lisa Buhlinger (14.7) The Club at Flying Horse WGA
10:00 AM 4B Chapman Red Holly Sterrett + Kady Brown + Leanna Rosenow
Lisa Pederson (25.2) Country Club at Castle Pines WGA
10:00 AM 18B Chapman Red Diane Letourneau + Marty Obermeyer + Sherri Wirth
Lisa Rogowski (27.4) Coal Creek GC WGA
10:00 AM 18A Chapman Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Donna Casey + Mari Johnson
Lita Van Cleave (17.4) Patty Jewett WGC-18
10:00 AM 11 Chapman Red Becky Hammer + Cathi Logan + Tami Tidd
Liza De Pinto (15.1) Red Hawk Ridge Ladies Public
10:00 AM 13A Chapman Red Cindy Christiano + Mary Smith + Suzanne Elkins
Lorrie Kresge (17.9) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 12B Chapman Red Marilee Dolan + Shelley Cameron + Valerie Borthwick
Margaret Breakey (8.9) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 4A Chapman Red Diane Richards + Laura Stuto + Paula Zwemke
Margi Batal (13.0) Aspen Golf Club WGA
10:00 AM 6A Chapman Red Cindy Joos + Den Garcia + Joanne Kates
Margie Miller (27.7) Hyland Hills WGA 18
10:00 AM 17 Chapman Red Mary Knoll + Rochelle Tisdale + Wendy Franks
Mari Johnson (18.1) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 18A Chapman Red Betty-Ann Wittenberg + Donna Casey + Lisa Rogowski
Marilee Dolan (18.3) Boulder CC WGA-18
10:00 AM 12B Chapman Red Lorrie Kresge + Shelley Cameron + Valerie Borthwick
Marsha Heitzman (4.6) Metro Denver eClub
10:00 AM 1A Chapman Navy Brenda Knott + Denise Cohen + Ron Irons
Marty Obermeyer (25.8) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 18B Chapman Red Diane Letourneau + Lisa Pederson + Sherri Wirth
Mary Knoll (29.3) Lakewood CC WGA
10:00 AM 17 Chapman Red Margie Miller + Rochelle Tisdale + Wendy Franks
Mary Repetto (12.7) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 7B Chapman Red Beth Breen + Kelly McCormick + Nancy McGee
Mary Smith (14.9) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 13A Chapman Red Cindy Christiano + Liza De Pinto + Suzanne Elkins
Mary Watson (16.8) Saddle Rock WGA 18
10:00 AM 15A Chapman Red Debora Kolb + Harriet Daigle + Jo Anna Cline
Mary Watt (18.7) The Club at Flying Horse WGA
10:00 AM 9A Chapman Red Kristie Calvin + Molly Huntsman + Val Talus
Melanie Lunsford (11.6) LPGA Amateur Golf Association
10:00 AM 6B Chapman Red Alice Sampson + Dawn Vaughn + Laurie Blackmun
Michelle Jensen (13.8) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 9B Chapman Red Beckie Harkey + Darlene Evans + Linda Masters
Molly Huntsman (13.6) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 9A Chapman Red Kristie Calvin + Mary Watt + Val Talus
Nancy McGee (15.3) Lone Tree LGA-18
10:00 AM 7B Chapman Red Beth Breen + Kelly McCormick + Mary Repetto
Nancy Werkmeister (6.1) Foothills LGA-18
10:00 AM 3B Chapman Red Anne Cadden + Lisa Arndt + Trish Swanson
Nanette Neelan (17.4) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 10B Chapman Red Ashley Barto + Cindy Ortega + Jenny Elliott
Nikki Athey (7.0) Country Club of Colorado WGA
10:00 AM 2 Chapman Navy Jean Miller + Susan Hartwell + Valerie Hunter
Pam Cortez (10.6) Riverdale WGA
10:00 AM 7A Chapman Red Deb Sturm + Phyllis Emrich + Sue Knutson
Patty Freeman (17.8) Fox Hollow LGA-18
10:00 AM 12A Chapman Red Bernadette Liley + Kathy Clark + Rose-Marie Barton
Paula Simpson (24.3) Highlands Ranch(Du) Tues LGA
10:00 AM 16A Chapman Red Claudine Vierstraete + Janice Kollath + Wilma Proctor
Paula Zwemke (7.2) Saddle Rock WGA 18
10:00 AM 4A Chapman Red Diane Richards + Laura Stuto + Margaret Breakey
Phyllis Emrich (10.6) Columbine CC LGA
10:00 AM 7A Chapman Red Deb Sturm + Pam Cortez + Sue Knutson
Robin Walker (13.1) Broken Tee Women's Saturday 18
10:00 AM 10A Chapman Red Debbie Childs + Janine Lowe + Karen Hill
Rochelle Tisdale (19.7) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 17 Chapman Red Margie Miller + Mary Knoll + Wendy Franks
Ron Irons (6.4) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 1A Chapman Navy Brenda Knott + Denise Cohen + Marsha Heitzman
Rose-Marie Barton (19.6) The Club at Flying Horse WGA
10:00 AM 12A Chapman Red Bernadette Liley + Kathy Clark + Patty Freeman
Rosemary Smith (11.1) Commonground WGC
10:00 AM 5 Chapman Red Kandi Fitzgerald + Linda Krikorian + Linda Lambert
Sandra Young (8.9) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 1B Chapman Navy Betsy White + Betty Bullington + Sophia Kelner
Shelley Cameron (19.4) Eisenhower Golf Club
10:00 AM 12B Chapman Red Lorrie Kresge + Marilee Dolan + Valerie Borthwick
Sherri Wirth (27.8) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 18B Chapman Red Diane Letourneau + Lisa Pederson + Marty Obermeyer
Sophia Kelner (3.4) Cherokee Ridge Golf Course
10:00 AM 1B Chapman Navy Betsy White + Betty Bullington + Sandra Young
Sue Knutson (18.1) Coal Creek GC WGA
10:00 AM 7A Chapman Red Deb Sturm + Pam Cortez + Phyllis Emrich
Susan Hartwell (4.0) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 2 Chapman Navy Jean Miller + Nikki Athey + Valerie Hunter
Suzanne Elkins (22.9) Fox Hollow Women's 9 Hole League
10:00 AM 13A Chapman Red Cindy Christiano + Liza De Pinto + Mary Smith
Tami Tidd (18.6) Raccoon Creek Ladies 18
10:00 AM 11 Chapman Red Becky Hammer + Cathi Logan + Lita Van Cleave
Tracey James-Miller (19.3) Blackstone/Black Bear LGA
10:00 AM 13B Chapman Red Barbara Fagan + Kelly Stark + Linda Schippers
Trish Swanson (12.7) West Woods WGA 18
10:00 AM 3B Chapman Red Anne Cadden + Lisa Arndt + Nancy Werkmeister
Val Talus (13.8) Colorado Springs CC LGA-18
10:00 AM 9A Chapman Red Kristie Calvin + Mary Watt + Molly Huntsman
Valerie Borthwick (17.3) Boulder CC WGA-18
10:00 AM 12B Chapman Red Lorrie Kresge + Marilee Dolan + Shelley Cameron
Valerie Hunter (8.5) Kissing Camels LGA
10:00 AM 2 Chapman Navy Jean Miller + Nikki Athey + Susan Hartwell
Victoria Ponce (26.9) Indian Tree WGA 9
10:00 AM 16B Chapman Red Cher Tufly + Jan Squires + Laura Fischer
Wendy Franks (27.7) Saddle Rock WGA 18
10:00 AM 17 Chapman Red Margie Miller + Mary Knoll + Rochelle Tisdale
Wilma Proctor (18.0) Eisenhower WGA-18
10:00 AM 16A Chapman Red Claudine Vierstraete + Janice Kollath + Paula Simpson