RBC PGA Scramble - GTR Regional Final @ The Nest Tee Sheet

Qualifying Round - Wed, August 11

The Nest at Friday Harbour - OLD
Time Players
The Nest at Friday Harbour - OLD
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Baines, Brent
10:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Oliver, Christian + Peters, Tyler + Robertson, Lucas + Theoret, Christopher
Blacquier, Pete
11:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Doig, Ian + Payne, Mark + Scavone, Andy + West, Derek
Blair, Dennis
11:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Blair, Jim + Cody, Rick + McLaughlin, Cory + Yeung, Les
Blair, Jim
11:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Blair, Dennis + Cody, Rick + McLaughlin, Cory + Yeung, Les
Bly , Dave
9:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Duman, Ken + Hamilton, James + Kuhn, Mackenzie + Wood, Kevin
Bodnar, Dan
8:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Charboneau, Dan + Grass, Steve + Pridham, John + Tribble, Nathan
Bogdon, Brent
11:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Murray, Steven + Pezzetta, Michael + Pezzetta, Stefano + Reid, Ben
Booth, Geoff
12:30 PM Gold Tees (M) Duggan , Aaron + Moxam, Jason + Pilatzke, John + Tregunno, Greg
Brown, Claire
12:18 PM Green Tees (W) Ferrier, Branson + Kamel, Emil + Kovacs, Adam + Wood, Lee
Browne, Sandy
8:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Findlay, Patrick + Lillie, Michael + McCarthy, Andrew + Wilson, Fraser
Campbell, Steve
11:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Drover, Joey + Pieprzak, Alan + Quilty, Mary-Pat + Vanness, Derek
Charboneau, Dan
8:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Bodnar, Dan + Grass, Steve + Pridham, John + Tribble, Nathan
Cody, Rick
11:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Blair, Dennis + Blair, Jim + McLaughlin, Cory + Yeung, Les
Colman, Paul
12:42 PM Gold Tees (M) Kee, Sean + Perna, Jordan + Ramsey, Mike + Seiler, Marc
Conner, Catlin
10:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Eby, Tyler + Greer, Brian + Savage, Matt + Tervit, Joel
Corbeil, Steve
12:06 PM Gold Tees (M) Humphrey, Dave + Papousek, Nick + Ross, Graham + Slongo, Chris
Cornacchia, Frank
9:54 AM Gold Tees (M) D’Ambrosio, Troy + Lorenz, Mike + Simpkins, Harlan + Stone, Mike
Dawkins, Scott
9:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Jensen, Andres + Reesor , Kris + Robinson, Matt + Sheppard, Max
Dimitropoulos, John
9:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Marchand, Tyler + Seretis, Andy + Seretis, Spiro + Voutsinos, John
Doig, Ian (p)
11:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Blacquier, Pete + Payne, Mark + Scavone, Andy + West, Derek
Drover, Joey
11:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Campbell, Steve + Pieprzak, Alan + Quilty, Mary-Pat + Vanness, Derek
Duggan , Aaron
12:30 PM Gold Tees (M) Booth, Geoff + Moxam, Jason + Pilatzke, John + Tregunno, Greg
Duman, Ken
9:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Bly , Dave + Hamilton, James + Kuhn, Mackenzie + Wood, Kevin
D’Ambrosio, Troy
9:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Cornacchia, Frank + Lorenz, Mike + Simpkins, Harlan + Stone, Mike
Eby, Tyler
10:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Conner, Catlin + Greer, Brian + Savage, Matt + Tervit, Joel
English, Dave
11:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Reeves, Matt + Wallis, Jodie + Whyte, David + Zuill, Donald
Ferrier, Branson (p)
12:18 PM Gold Tees (M) Brown, Claire + Kamel, Emil + Kovacs, Adam + Wood, Lee
Findlay, Patrick
8:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Browne, Sandy + Lillie, Michael + McCarthy, Andrew + Wilson, Fraser
Furlong, Brian
10:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Furlong, Mark + Lipa, Tim + O'Donnell, Kevin + Seguin, Roger
Furlong, Mark
10:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Furlong, Brian + Lipa, Tim + O'Donnell, Kevin + Seguin, Roger
Grass, Steve (p)
8:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Bodnar, Dan + Charboneau, Dan + Pridham, John + Tribble, Nathan
Greer, Brian
10:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Conner, Catlin + Eby, Tyler + Savage, Matt + Tervit, Joel
Hamilton, James
9:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Bly , Dave + Duman, Ken + Kuhn, Mackenzie + Wood, Kevin
Horner, Wendy
10:06 AM Green Tees (W) Lloyd, Connie + Lougheed, Janet + Rubes, Tony + Wilson, Linda
Humphrey, Dave
12:06 PM Gold Tees (M) Corbeil, Steve + Papousek, Nick + Ross, Graham + Slongo, Chris
Jensen, Andres
9:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Dawkins, Scott + Reesor , Kris + Robinson, Matt + Sheppard, Max
Kamel, Emil
12:18 PM Gold Tees (M) Brown, Claire + Ferrier, Branson + Kovacs, Adam + Wood, Lee
Kee, Sean
12:42 PM Gold Tees (M) Colman, Paul + Perna, Jordan + Ramsey, Mike + Seiler, Marc
Kerfoot , Brad (p)
8:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Polan, Adam + Sherkin, Robert + Slater, Ken + Young, Joseph
Kovacs, Adam
12:18 PM Gold Tees (M) Brown, Claire + Ferrier, Branson + Kamel, Emil + Wood, Lee
Kuhn, Mackenzie (p)
9:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Bly , Dave + Duman, Ken + Hamilton, James + Wood, Kevin
Leifer, Elliott
9:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Moniz, Michael + Ostro, Andrew + Ostro, Michael + Ostro, Sean
Lillie, Michael
8:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Browne, Sandy + Findlay, Patrick + McCarthy, Andrew + Wilson, Fraser
Lipa, Tim
10:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Furlong, Brian + Furlong, Mark + O'Donnell, Kevin + Seguin, Roger
Lloyd, Connie
10:06 AM Green Tees (W) Horner, Wendy + Lougheed, Janet + Rubes, Tony + Wilson, Linda
Lorenz, Mike (p)
9:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Cornacchia, Frank + D’Ambrosio, Troy + Simpkins, Harlan + Stone, Mike
Lougheed, Janet
10:06 AM Green Tees (W) Horner, Wendy + Lloyd, Connie + Rubes, Tony + Wilson, Linda
Lowe, Kevin
10:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Nolan, Josh + Scott, Colin + Talbot, Tim + Wicketts, James
Marchand, Tyler (p)
9:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Dimitropoulos, John + Seretis, Andy + Seretis, Spiro + Voutsinos, John
McCarthy, Andrew (p)
8:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Browne, Sandy + Findlay, Patrick + Lillie, Michael + Wilson, Fraser
McLaughlin, Cory (p)
11:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Blair, Dennis + Blair, Jim + Cody, Rick + Yeung, Les
Moniz, Michael (p)
9:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Leifer, Elliott + Ostro, Andrew + Ostro, Michael + Ostro, Sean
Moxam, Jason (p)
12:30 PM Gold Tees (M) Booth, Geoff + Duggan , Aaron + Pilatzke, John + Tregunno, Greg
Murray, Steven
11:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Bogdon, Brent + Pezzetta, Michael + Pezzetta, Stefano + Reid, Ben
Nolan, Josh
10:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Lowe, Kevin + Scott, Colin + Talbot, Tim + Wicketts, James
O'Donnell, Kevin
10:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Furlong, Brian + Furlong, Mark + Lipa, Tim + Seguin, Roger
Oliver, Christian
10:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Baines, Brent + Peters, Tyler + Robertson, Lucas + Theoret, Christopher
Ostro, Andrew
9:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Leifer, Elliott + Moniz, Michael + Ostro, Michael + Ostro, Sean
Ostro, Michael
9:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Leifer, Elliott + Moniz, Michael + Ostro, Andrew + Ostro, Sean
Ostro, Sean
9:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Leifer, Elliott + Moniz, Michael + Ostro, Andrew + Ostro, Michael
Papousek, Nick (p)
12:06 PM Gold Tees (M) Corbeil, Steve + Humphrey, Dave + Ross, Graham + Slongo, Chris
Payne, Mark
11:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Blacquier, Pete + Doig, Ian + Scavone, Andy + West, Derek
Perna, Jordan
12:42 PM Gold Tees (M) Colman, Paul + Kee, Sean + Ramsey, Mike + Seiler, Marc
Peters, Tyler
10:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Baines, Brent + Oliver, Christian + Robertson, Lucas + Theoret, Christopher
Pezzetta, Michael
11:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Bogdon, Brent + Murray, Steven + Pezzetta, Stefano + Reid, Ben
Pezzetta, Stefano
11:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Bogdon, Brent + Murray, Steven + Pezzetta, Michael + Reid, Ben
Pieprzak, Alan
11:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Campbell, Steve + Drover, Joey + Quilty, Mary-Pat + Vanness, Derek
Pilatzke, John
12:30 PM Gold Tees (M) Booth, Geoff + Duggan , Aaron + Moxam, Jason + Tregunno, Greg
Polan, Adam
8:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Kerfoot , Brad + Sherkin, Robert + Slater, Ken + Young, Joseph
Pridham, John
8:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Bodnar, Dan + Charboneau, Dan + Grass, Steve + Tribble, Nathan
Quilty, Mary-Pat (p)
11:30 AM Green Tees (W) Campbell, Steve + Drover, Joey + Pieprzak, Alan + Vanness, Derek
Ramsey, Mike
12:42 PM Gold Tees (M) Colman, Paul + Kee, Sean + Perna, Jordan + Seiler, Marc
Reesor , Kris
9:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Dawkins, Scott + Jensen, Andres + Robinson, Matt + Sheppard, Max
Reeves, Matt (p)
11:18 AM Gold Tees (M) English, Dave + Wallis, Jodie + Whyte, David + Zuill, Donald
Reid, Ben (p)
11:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Bogdon, Brent + Murray, Steven + Pezzetta, Michael + Pezzetta, Stefano
Robertson, Lucas (p)
10:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Baines, Brent + Oliver, Christian + Peters, Tyler + Theoret, Christopher
Robinson, Matt (p)
9:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Dawkins, Scott + Jensen, Andres + Reesor , Kris + Sheppard, Max
Ross, Graham
12:06 PM Gold Tees (M) Corbeil, Steve + Humphrey, Dave + Papousek, Nick + Slongo, Chris
Rubes, Tony (p)
10:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Horner, Wendy + Lloyd, Connie + Lougheed, Janet + Wilson, Linda
Savage, Matt (p)
10:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Conner, Catlin + Eby, Tyler + Greer, Brian + Tervit, Joel
Scavone, Andy
11:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Blacquier, Pete + Doig, Ian + Payne, Mark + West, Derek
Scott, Colin
10:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Lowe, Kevin + Nolan, Josh + Talbot, Tim + Wicketts, James
Seguin, Roger (p)
10:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Furlong, Brian + Furlong, Mark + Lipa, Tim + O'Donnell, Kevin
Seiler, Marc (p)
12:42 PM Gold Tees (M) Colman, Paul + Kee, Sean + Perna, Jordan + Ramsey, Mike
Seretis, Andy
9:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Dimitropoulos, John + Marchand, Tyler + Seretis, Spiro + Voutsinos, John
Seretis, Spiro
9:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Dimitropoulos, John + Marchand, Tyler + Seretis, Andy + Voutsinos, John
Sheppard, Max
9:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Dawkins, Scott + Jensen, Andres + Reesor , Kris + Robinson, Matt
Sherkin, Robert
8:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Kerfoot , Brad + Polan, Adam + Slater, Ken + Young, Joseph
Simpkins, Harlan
9:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Cornacchia, Frank + D’Ambrosio, Troy + Lorenz, Mike + Stone, Mike
Slater, Ken
8:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Kerfoot , Brad + Polan, Adam + Sherkin, Robert + Young, Joseph
Slongo, Chris
12:06 PM Gold Tees (M) Corbeil, Steve + Humphrey, Dave + Papousek, Nick + Ross, Graham
Stone, Mike
9:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Cornacchia, Frank + D’Ambrosio, Troy + Lorenz, Mike + Simpkins, Harlan
Talbot, Tim
10:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Lowe, Kevin + Nolan, Josh + Scott, Colin + Wicketts, James
Tervit, Joel
10:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Conner, Catlin + Eby, Tyler + Greer, Brian + Savage, Matt
Theoret, Christopher
10:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Baines, Brent + Oliver, Christian + Peters, Tyler + Robertson, Lucas
Tregunno, Greg
12:30 PM Gold Tees (M) Booth, Geoff + Duggan , Aaron + Moxam, Jason + Pilatzke, John
Tribble, Nathan
8:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Bodnar, Dan + Charboneau, Dan + Grass, Steve + Pridham, John
Vanness, Derek
11:30 AM Gold Tees (M) Campbell, Steve + Drover, Joey + Pieprzak, Alan + Quilty, Mary-Pat
Voutsinos, John
9:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Dimitropoulos, John + Marchand, Tyler + Seretis, Andy + Seretis, Spiro
Wallis, Jodie
11:18 AM Green Tees (W) English, Dave + Reeves, Matt + Whyte, David + Zuill, Donald
West, Derek
11:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Blacquier, Pete + Doig, Ian + Payne, Mark + Scavone, Andy
Whyte, David
11:18 AM Gold Tees (M) English, Dave + Reeves, Matt + Wallis, Jodie + Zuill, Donald
Wicketts, James (p)
10:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Lowe, Kevin + Nolan, Josh + Scott, Colin + Talbot, Tim
Wilson, Fraser
8:54 AM Gold Tees (M) Browne, Sandy + Findlay, Patrick + Lillie, Michael + McCarthy, Andrew
Wilson, Linda
10:06 AM Green Tees (W) Horner, Wendy + Lloyd, Connie + Lougheed, Janet + Rubes, Tony
Wood, Kevin
9:18 AM Gold Tees (M) Bly , Dave + Duman, Ken + Hamilton, James + Kuhn, Mackenzie
Wood, Lee
12:18 PM Gold Tees (M) Brown, Claire + Ferrier, Branson + Kamel, Emil + Kovacs, Adam
Yeung, Les
11:06 AM Gold Tees (M) Blair, Dennis + Blair, Jim + Cody, Rick + McLaughlin, Cory
Young, Joseph
8:42 AM Gold Tees (M) Kerfoot , Brad + Polan, Adam + Sherkin, Robert + Slater, Ken
Zuill, Donald
11:18 AM Gold Tees (M) English, Dave + Reeves, Matt + Wallis, Jodie + Whyte, David