All MALE competitors will play from the BLUE tees. All FEMALE competitors will play from the RED tees.


Contests - $10,000 Hole-in-One Contest – Hole 8


Golf Canada Rules of Golf - The Golf Canada Rules of Golf will govern all competition, except for those specialized Scramble Rules in place for the RBC PGA Scramble. 


RBC PGA Scramble Format – Regional and National events will be operated under the Ambrose Scramble Format. All team members may play from the teeing ground of each hole. The team then chooses the shot that gives them the best chance for the next shot. The golfer whose shot is selected is then eliminated from participating in that next shot. A player is only eliminated for the one-shot following his/her selected shot (does not include tee shots or putts). 


This process continues with one person being eliminated for each shot until the ball is on the putting green, where all players will have an opportunity to make a putt from each location until the ball is holed. 


All five players then play from the next teeing ground and the elimination process begins again. The eliminated player cannot make a practice stroke or practice putt during the time they are eliminated. Should a player make a stroke during the time they are eliminated a two (2) stroke penalty will apply.


Three Tee Shots – A minimum of three (3) tee shots per team member must be used per eighteen (18) hole stipulated round.


Selected Shot - If the selected shot is in the general area (anywhere on the course, except any penalty area, teeing area of the hole being played, bunker or putting green of the hole being played) the ball must be placed within one (1) club length of the selected shot, no nearer the hole, and must remain in the general area. If the selected ball is in a penalty area/bunker, the next shot must be played from the penalty area/bunker, or from outside the penalty area/bunker under the applicable Rule under penalty of one-stroke (unless additional penalties apply).


A ball that is not on the putting green of the hole being played, may not be placed on the putting green, even if it is within one club length of the marked ball. 


In a bunker, the sand may be raked before any ball is placed. 


On the putting green, each ball must be placed within one putter head of the marked position and played from there. The flagstick may be removed from the hole.


Advice - Under Rule 10.2, players are not permitted to seek advice from anyone who is not part of their team and must prevent anyone else from providing advice to any team member.


Indicating Line of Play – Except on a putting green, a player may not intentionally indicate the line of play to a teammate while a stroke is being played. See Rule 10.2 for an exception to this Rule. The penalty for a breach of this Rule is two (2) strokes. 


Standing on an Extension of Line of Play - Team members may stand behind one another while making any stroke.


Scorecard - Scoring will be done electronically in 2021. Each PGA professional will be required to download the Golf Genius App and will be provided with the GGID to log in before the start of the competition. Before the competition, each team must verify that their Handicap Indexes are correct as of the entry closing date. During the round, the PGA professional should post scores upon completion of each hole.


At the end of the round, when each hole score has been posted, the PGA professional and volunteer scorer must verbally verify the hole-by-hole scores with the PGA of Canada. It is the team’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of each hole score, the selected player’s tee shot on each hole and handicaps.


As per the World Handicap System, the team’s Playing Handicap will consist of 25% of the lowest player’s Course Handicap, 20% of the second-lowest, 15% of the third-lowest and 10% of the highest player’s Course Handicap. This Playing Handicap will be subtracted from the gross score for the net score. Signing for an incorrect score or handicap will lead to automatic disqualification from the event under Rule 3.3.


Playoff – In the event of a tie for 1st place, the winning team will be determined by matching scorecards as per Section 5.4 of the Rules Manual.