Welcome to the 2022 Numark Classic

The premier pharmacy golf event in the UK



Exclusive to you, our Numark member, you are invited to join us at your nearest qualifying event which will culminate in our annual golf final at a leading Scottish venue. The regional events will be held:



Thursday 5th May - Malone Golf Club (N. Ireland)

Wednesday 18th May - Blairgowrie Golf Club (Scotland)

Wednesday 25th May - Hankley Common Golf Club (South)

Tuesday 31st May - Little Aston Golf Club (Midlands)

Monday 27th June - Alwoodley Golf Club (North)




Register now for the qualifiers to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited at each venue. We look forward to welcoming you to the qualifiers, enjoying a good day of golf, food and drink and hopefully, qualifying for the finals.



Jeremy Meader

Managing Director