
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name City Club
Ambler David Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Amer Abdul Galena NorthStar GC
Amstutz Jim Dublin Heritage GC
Anderson Scott Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Antill Dave Dublin Kinsale Golf & FC
Arnholt Tim Sunbury Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Baciu Michael Columbus GC at Little Turtle
Back Michael Plain City Kinsale Golf & FC
Bankes Clint New Albany Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Beckett Matt Worthington Brookside Golf & CC
Belden Daniel Canton Brookside CC
Bergman Scott Arlington Sycamore Springs GC
Bertke Zach Columbus Mount Vernon CC
Bickle Aaron Athens Cliffside GC
Blankenship Brian Dublin Columbus Area #082
Bojc Phil Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Bolt Chad Grove City Pinnacle GC
Bostrom Cliff Delaware Kinsale Golf & FC
Brakaj Xhevair Upper Arlington Kinsale Golf & FC
Brandon Josh Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Brimley Jon Findlay Findlay CC
Brooks Chris Columbus Scioto CC
Burlison Tom Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Cahill Vin Lewis Center Kinsale Golf & FC
Caminiti Dom Westerville York GC
Cassell Mike Hudson CC of Hudson
Cavanaugh Patrick Columbus GC of Dublin
Coen Drew Granville Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Comer Tom Worthington Brookside Golf & CC
Cooperrider Matt Columbus Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Cope Scott Zanesville Eaglesticks GC
Cranmer Curt Waynesville NCR CC
Cron Tim Lewis Center York GC
Cumberland Miles Dublin Brookside Golf & CC
Decrane Art Powell Muirfield Village GC
DeRoberts Dave Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
DeWitt John Westerville Lakes Golf & CC
Dietz Chris Westerville York GC
Donahue Pat Columbus Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Doran Justin Powell Worthington Hills CC
Doucher II Paul Dublin Brookside Golf & CC
Downey David Columbus Columbus CC
Elliott Matt Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Ellison Adam Ostrander Scioto Reserve CC
Feamster Jimmy Columbus Hickory Hills GC
Feldkamp Jonathan Maineville TPC River's Bend
Ferger Stanley Columbus Scioto CC
Ferrer Abel Blacklick Cumberland Trail GC
Fidler Wes Cincinnati Walden Ponds GC
Fisher Matt Westerville Jefferson CC
Fitch Stephen Worthington Brookside Golf & CC
Fletcher Bob Lewis Center Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Fluty Adam Westerville Medallion Club
Forchione Jason Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Franks Robert Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Fried Marc Solon Signature of Solon
Fryman John Westerville Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Gardner Matt Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Gilkison Jake Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Grabeman Kevin Powell Brookside Golf & CC
Green Brady Delaware Brookside Golf & CC
Greenberg Adam Ambereley Losantiville CC
Grim Mark Pickerington York GC
Grondin Joshua Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Guarasci Ralph Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Hardy Sam Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Harman Tommy Hilliard Brookside Golf & CC
Harvey Bill Westerville Medallion Club
Haynes Mike Gallipolis Cliffside GC
Hefner Nick New Albany The Club at Tartan Fields
Hendry Jason Commercial Point Pinnacle GC
Hickman Tim Columbus York GC
Hiers Paul Columbus York GC
Hiltbrand Jeff Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Hire Andy Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Hoover Scott Westerville Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Huang Alex Dayton Miami Valley GC
Hubert Tom Columbus Hickory Hills GC
Huskey Dan Columbus Raymond Memorial GC
Huss Kyle Worthington York GC
Jackson Steve Dublin Scioto CC
Jewell John Centerville Walnut Grove CC
Judy Brandon Fairborn EClub Miami Valley
Kania Jared New Albany GC at Little Turtle
Kaplan Jon Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Kauffman Randy Columbus Kinsale Golf & FC
Kaufman Brett Westlake Firestone CC
Keves Matthew Columbus OSU GC
Kleman James Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Knox Jeffrey Brecksville Canterbury GC
Koss Jonathan Pepper Pike Canterbury GC
Krieger Jeff Westerville Medallion Club
Kristoff Jeff Columbus York GC
Kushmaul Tyler Pataskala Cumberland Trail GC
Lanning Jason Delaware Kinsale Golf & FC
Leeds Jason Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Martin Reid Columbus NorthStar GC
Martinelli Tom Blacklick Jefferson CC
McCurdy Terry Powell The Club at Tartan Fields
McDonald Vince Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
McGraw Matt Findlay Findlay CC
McGuire Mike Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Merrill Brandon Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Milholland Matt Marysville GC at Bucyrus
Miller Chris Columbus Columbus CC
Miller Scott Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Miller Tim New Philadelphia Union CC
Mills Jeffrey Johnstown York GC
Muething Jim Cincinnati Maketewah CC
Munday Ryan Westerville GC at Little Turtle
Murgas Robert Columbus USGA/Ohio GA GC
Nafzger Kasey Delaware Kinsale Golf & FC
Neale Chip Dublin The Club at Tartan Fields
Padgett III Don Akron Firestone CC
Parnell Jeff Maineville TPC Rivers Bend
Phipps Eric Shaker Heights Canterbury GC
Podolski Joe Worthington York GC
Porter Dick Dublin The Club at Tartan Fields
Randall David Westerville Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Rankin Carl Westerville Lakes Golf & CC
Rauch Ryan Powell Kinsale Golf & FC
Ray Frank Columbus The Golf Club
Reardon Nick Galloway Hickory Hills GC
Reifers Randy Milford The Grizzly
Reynolds Gabriel Fairview Park Mayfield Sand Ridge Club
Rhodes Nick Delaware Jefferson CC
Richey Tim Dublin The Club at Tartan Fields
Rindo Riley Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Ringer Caleb Dublin OGA GC
Ringer Jim Dublin OGA GC
Rios Robert Westerville GC at Little Turtle
Ross John Westerville Medallion Club
Rucker Benjamin Columbus Lakes Golf & CC
Samborsky II Peter Kettering NCR CC
Sands Matthew Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Schneider David Columbus Worthington Hills CC
Schreiber Austin Dublin Kinsale Golf & FC
Shafer Daniel Dublin York GC
Sheffer Pat Columbus Brookside Golf & CC
Sheppard Ryan Dublin The Club at Tartan Fields
Shonk Michael Upper Arlington Scioto CC
Sovik Raymond Powell Scioto Reserve CC
Sparks Jeff Cincinnati The Grizzly
Spees Chandler Cincinnati Clovernook GC
Staley Scott Pataskala York GC
Steiber Ed Cincinnati Miami View GC
Stephens Craig Dublin The Club at Tartan Fields
Straley Chris Cincinnati Coldstream CC
Sutton Todd New Albany Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Taylor John Columbus Kinsale Golf & FC
Thompson Alex Columbus Columbus CC
Thompson Jay New Albany Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Trainer Kyle Maineville TPC Rivers Bend
Tuttle Coleton Dublin GC of Dublin
Underman Richard Westerville Lakes Golf & CC
Veith Josh Hilliard GC of Dublin
Vincent Denny Columbus GC of Dublin
Volpenhein James Cincinnati Maketewah CC
Vrabel Justen Hilliard GC of Dublin
Wade Douglas Galena Lakes Golf & CC
Wamack Terry Columbus Kinsale Golf & FC
Welch Dustin Columbus York GC
Welte Jim Dublin Safari GC
Wendt Dewayne Findlay Findlay CC
Wharton Robert Reynoldsburg Hickory Hills GC
Wilke Steve Powell Scioto Reserve CC
Wilson TC Columbus York GC
Wissinger Jared Columbus York GC
Wolf Jimmy Granville Denison GC
Zabonik Marty Columbus Rattlesnake Ridge GC
Zimmerer Hayden Louisville Persimmon Ridge GC
Zimmerer Mark Westerville Rattlesnake Ridge GC