ELIGIBILITY: Entrant must be a male member of a full-service Ohio Golf Association member club with an active WHS handicap index. No practice round included in entry.

RULES: Rules of Golf will govern all play except for local rules approved by CDGA.

FORMAT: Field limited to 48 teams. 18 holes stroke play. Best ball gross. One team member must be between the ages of 25-54 as of April 26, 2022.
One team member must be 55 or older on or before April 26, 2022.

ENTRY: Entry is subject to approval or rejection at any time by the CDGA Tournament Committee. No practice round included in entry.

ENTRY FEE: $300.00.  Entry includes cart fee and range usage.  Fee will not be refunded after deadline unless contestant submits a written medical excuse. All refunds are subject to a $10 service fee.

LOTTERY DEADLINE:  April 3, 2022, 11:59 p.m.  No tee entries.  

DEADLINE: April 19, 2022, 11:59 p.m. (or when field fills at 48 teams).  No tee entries.

CARTS: Golf carts will be included, but likely carts will be on the path only.  

CADDIES: A player is not permitted to bring his own caddie.  You may contact Chad Baker at 614-889-6730 to arrange a caddie from Muirfield Village.  Entrants are responsible for all fees associated with hiring a caddie.  

TEE TIMES: Requested tee times cannot be guaranteed.  Copies of starting times will be sent by email to Contestants approximately one week in advance.  Starting times will also be posted to CDGAGOLF.org.

PRIORTY ENTRY/LOTTERY PROCEDURE:  Each Two Man team that played in the 2020 CDGA Mid Amateur/Senior Amateur Fourball and the 2021 CDGA Mid Amateur/Senior Amateur Fourball will receive one priorty entry.
If the same two team members played in both 2020 and 2021, the team receives two priorty entries.  When a team member played both years but with different partners, the three players only receive two priorty entries.  The maxium number of priorty entries possible is 53.  If 49 or more priorty entries are filed  a lottery will take place to determine the 48 teams who will make the field.  Those priorty entries that finished in the Top 10 of the results in 2020 or 2021 will not be placed into the lottery if applicable.  
All non exempt entries will be placed in a lottery to fill any vacancies not filled by the exempt entries.  The lottery will take place on Monday, April 4th.  Those not being selected in the lottery will be placed in order on the waitlist.  Any entries received after the lottery takes place will be placed in order on the waitlist behind those from the lottery (If applicable).