2022 CGA Women's Net Match Play Championship


This Net Championship is flighted, open to all ages and matches are played with handicap. 


Field Size: 40 player max field size. Will yield a max of 5 flights, with each flight containing 2 pods.


Handicap Details: 30.0 max

NOTE: Net Championship matches will be played with handicap. 

Revision Date: July 11


Format: Indiviual Match Play. The Championship will be played using the PGA TOUR WGC Match Play style Pod Play or Round Robin system. All players who register are guaranteed at least three (3) matches in the championship. Players will be flighted and seeded by handicap index, with eight players per flight. After each player is flighted and seeded, each flight will be evenly split into two pods with four (4) players from each flight in each pod. During pod play players compete in three 18-hole matches against each of the other three players in their pod. The player in each pod with the highest point total at the end of pod play advances to the final match which will be competed against the other pod winner from their respective flight. All matches are played with handicap by wheeling off the lowest players in the match course handicap.


How Net Championship Field is Filled: Tournament is filled on a first come, first served basis using the registration date and time. If a tournament is oversubscribed, a wait list will be maintained in case of cancellation. 

Note: Players that do not make it into the Senior Championship field will automatically be moved into and compete in the Net Championship. 


Championship Schedule: 

Monday (7/18): Day 1 of Pod Play 
Tuesday (7/19): Day 2 of Pod Play 

Wednesday (7/20): Day 3 of Pod Play 

Thursday (7/21): Final Matches for pod winners


Pod Structure/Seeding: Pod Structure will be weighted evenly with pod 1 containing 1v8, 4v5 and pod 2 containing 2v7, 3v6. Pod structure will be available to view under the Tournament Information tab once players are seeded. 


Pod Play Scoring: There will be no extra holes during the pod play portion of matches. Scoring during pod play will be as follows:
Match Won – 1 point | Match Tied – ½ point | Match Lost – 0 Points. 

Note: If there is a tie for the pod winner, a sudden death playoff will determine the person advancing from that pod.