GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network)



GHIN is a handicap management tool offered by the US Golf Association (USGA).  Current or past members of a league have a GHIN number and new members are given one and notified of the GHIN number by the league Handicap/Golf Genius Chairperson. 


A member that has never had a handicap must play at least 54 holes before a handicap is calculated.  This can be any combination of 9- or 18- hole scores.  Once a handicap is established, it is used by the league to place golfers in flights so that they compete against others of the same skill level. 


After league play, scores are automatically posted to GHIN by the league managers.  Entry of scores from non-league play are the individual members responsibility.


While establishing and maintaining a handicap, it is important to adhere to the Rules of Golf to ensure accuracy.



You can access GHIN by signing onto or by downloading the GHIN app onto your phone, iPad, or another mobile device. 



You must create a digital profile with a password to have access to your GHIN account.  In order to create this profile, you must have a GHIN number and a unique email address.



In order to post non-league scores, log into GHIN and click on POST SCORE.  Prior courses will display, or you may enter a new course name.  Choose the number of holes played, the tees that were used and the date, then enter your score.  You have the option to enter a gross score or hole-by-hole. 


Note: Scores are displayed for 18 holes.  For people that play 9 holes this is a combination of scores from multiple days or courses.