Quidnessett CC - Monday, May 1
The Misquamicut Club - Wednesday, May 10
New England CC - Tuesday, June 27
Crestwood CC - Tuesday, Sept. 5
Exeter CC - Monday, Sept. 18
Event Information: Players will receive an email from Joe with all the event information the Friday before the event. It is important to read these communications because it will prepare you on what to expect for each event.
Dress Code: For all RIGA competitions, players must be neat in appearance. All males are required to wear shirts with collars and sleeves, and either golf slacks or Bermuda shorts that measure no higher that two inches above their knees. Examples of attire NOT ACCEPTABLE include: short shorts, cargo shorts, cargo pants, athletic shorts, jeans, jean shorts, tank tops and t-shirts. All shirts MUST be tucked in.
Women's Attire: Women's Shorts, Skirts, Skorts – Generally, should reach mid-thigh in length (half way between hip and knee). Leggings and Yoga Pants - Only allowed under skirts, skorts or shorts.
Divots and Ball Marks: All players MUST replace/fill all divots and fix their ball marks on the greens. It is imperative to leave the course the way it was before an event.
Pace of Play: A brisk pace of play is crucial to ensure that all groups have a positive experience. Play ready golf and be prepared to hit your shot before it is your turn to play. This will help avoid backups and make sure that you don't spend the whole day keeping the groups behind you waiting to hit each shot.
Net Double Bogey: To help keep pace of play moving, please pick up after NET DOUBLE BOGEY. Net double bogey is double bogey plus any handicap strokes you get on a hole. For example, if you are getting two strokes on a par 4, Net Double Bogey would be 8 (Double Bogey of 6 + the two strokes you are getting). Once you reach that point, please pick up your ball.
Arrival: Please be at the course and ready to play at least 10 minutes before your tee time. Groups who are not ready for their tee time, ultimately cause backups and chaos by having to rearrange the tee sheet. Please prepare accordingly to ensure a smooth experience for all.
Handicap Information and Score Posting: The RIGA calculates the handicap being used by players the Friday before the event. The RIGA will post scores to players' handicaps for each event. Do NOT post your scores. Depending on where the tournament falls in the season, it may take a couple of days to be posted.
Paperwork: All tournament paperwork, including scorecards with handicap allotments, will be provided electronically prior to the tournament. A player is encouraged to view, read and print these materials on their own before their round. They will NOT be handed out on the first tee.
Scorecards: Group online scoring is mandatory through the use of the Golf Genius app. If a player is unable to online score, the player is encouraged to bring his or her own score-marking materials (i.e., paper and pencil) as paper scorecards will NOT be given to players. It will be emailed out before the round for the player to print.
One player in each group is required to enter scores through the app. The group’s GGID will be provided to players on the first tee. Players will have until 12 p.m. of the day after the event to have their group’s scores entered in the app. Once that deadline passes all scores entered will be considered final.
You WILL NOT turn in paper scorecards to the Pro Shop.
If you are unable to enter scores on the app, you may email Joe McDonald (jmcdonald@rigalinks.org) a photo of your scorecard. Same rules apply. You have until 12 p.m. of the day after the event to email a photo of your scorecard. If not, you will not be eligible for gift certificates for that event.
Substitutes: Should a player be unable to play in an event, you may have a substitute. All substitutes need to be emailed to jmcdonald@rigalinks.org before the event, if possible. So the new player can be added to the group for online scoring purposes. Substitutes should have an active Rhode Island GHIN handicap and have paid their RIGA Membership.
Food and Beverage: Each club's food and drink offerings is different and will be communicated prior to each event.
Weather Delays/Course Evacuations:
In the event of a suspension of play for a dangerous situation, all players must leave the golf course immediately. Communication regarding resumption of play and/or further details after the suspension of play will be communicated via text message and email.