Northern Ohio Golf Tournament Series

Stableford + Skins Rules of Competition






- PLAYERS COMPETE IN ONE DIVISION FROM AGE-APPROPRIATE TEES. On all holes, men competitors ages 18-54 play from the back tees; men age 55-64 play from the middle tees; men age 65+ and women under age 35 play from the senior/forward tees; women age 35+ play from the far-forward tees.


- MODIFIED STABLEFORD SCORING: 1 point for par; 3 points for birdie; 5 points for eagle, 8 points for albatross. NO NEGATIVE POINTS. High point total wins.


- FOR NOGA LIVE SCORING, enter the score made on the hole; the software will convert that score to points.


- To speed pace of play, once a player cannot earn a point (i.e. make par), that player should pick up and move on to the next tee, entering a score of bogey for the hole into live scoring.


- Players may use range finders (without slope); use varying brands of balls (no one-ball rule).


Out of Bounds: White stakes and/or ALL perimeter property fences and roads are defined as out of bounds. The OB line is determined by the nearest inside points of the stakes, roads or fence posts at ground level excluding angled supports. Hazards: All water Penalty Areas not defined lines or stakes shall be defined by any natural break in the ground toward the water (not the water itself).


Relief without penalty is provided from all prepared, planted flower beds; the ball is to be dropped at the nearest point of relief. NO RELIEF is provided for mulch used around trees or beds without any planted flowers.


- If a sand bunker is clearly not maintained (i.e. significantly damaged by weather or has gone unraked for several days), with permission of a fellow competitor that bunker may be raked and the ball may be placed in the same position without penalty.


- $120 Pot + Skins Entry Fee covers: 18 holes of golf with cart; $20+ to the tournament Stableford pot; $40 to the big skins game pot; an event operations fee of $10. Payout to 25% of Pot + Skins field based on pre-set prize chart. ALL TIES SPLIT ALL PLACES; there is no playoff for any finish position.


- Should inclement weather force a cancellation of play for the day: if all players have completed 9 holes before play is stopped, the tournament will be shortened to 9 holes with full payouts; if any group does not complete 9 holes, the event is considered null and a full refund or credit for pot/skins will be provided. (Golf+cart will be rainchecked.)


- PACE OF PLAY: if a group falls behind and is asked to close the gap, it is the responsibility of all players in the group to comply. The Committee has the right to monitor the lagging group, determine the player(s) causing the delay, and disqualify and remove competitors from the course without refund. PICK UP WHEN A POINT CANNOT BE EARNED!


- Rules question? Try to resolve it among your fellow competitors. If the question cannot be resolved, play two balls and ask the Committee for a ruling prior to signing scorecard.  Have fun!