There is a lottery format to accept entries for the Mixed Team Championship.  This is based on player feedback over the years.  With the lottery format comes a set of lottery rules that govern both those teams that are selected, those that are placed on a wait list and those that are not selected for the current year.


  1. Teams that are not selected and do not make it into the field via the wait list for the current year will gain an additional entry in the lottery for the following year, provided the team registers and the players remain the same.
  2. If a team in the field withdraws before pairings are posted and their position is filled by a team from the wait list, the team that withdraws will retain their same status for the following year.
  3. If a team is not selected through the initial lottery but gets into the field via the wait list, they will have their status for number of entries reset for the following year.  If a spot is available but the team cannot play then their status will remain intact for the following year.  
  4. Players on a team must remain together to retain the same status from year to year.  Ex. Richard and Casey do not get in the field via the lottery.  They enter next year and have two entries in the lottery.  However, if in that following year Richard's partner is Sydney then they will have just one entry in the lottery.
  5. GSGA will maintain a record of lottery entries and post the number of additional entries a team has in the lottery to the event portal at the beginning of each season. 
  6. The defending Gross and Net champions will be exempt into the field each year.
  7. The host club will be granted two exemptions into the field each year.