LJGT / Special Olympics Louisiana 


Oak Knoll Country Club | Hammond, LA 

9 or 18 Holes | Alternate Shot
Friday, May 17th, 2024


ENTRY DEADLINE: May 10th, 2024 - 5PM CST



ABOUT: This event is a partnership with the Special Olympics of Louisiana (SOLA). The Special Olympics of Louisiana host the annual State Summer Games for the Special Olympic athletes May 17-19 at Southeastern Univeristy in Hammond, LA. The first day, Friday May 17th, is the golf competition portion of the State Summer Games.


The golf competiton of the Summer Games, for the SOLA athletes, consist of a skills competititon that includes a Drive, Chip, and Putt contest, and also, a round of golf in an Alternate Shot format with a teammate called a "Unified Partner". This is where the LJGT Member comes into play...


The Louisina Junior Golf Tour is currently working on the possibility for LJGT Members to become Unified Partners to team up with the SOLA athletes and play a round of golf together (9 or 18 holes depending on the SOLA athlete). The LJGT and SOLA felt this would be an awesome oppurtunity for both the LJGT Member and the SOLA athlete to play together, giving the LJGT Member a new perspective to the game of golf and to show why we love the game so much. 


We will keep everyone updated on the status of the Unified Partner situation as we work with SOLA to figure out the logistics of LJGT/SOLA golf tournament. We should know by end of March/early April.


VOLUNTEERING: The LGA and LJGT staff will be on site for the Golf portion of the State Summer Games on May 19th. If you are interested in being a part of this unique event, you can register to be a volunteer once registration is open on Feb. 1st.

Some of the volunteering responsibliltes will include

- helping with the skills competition for the SOLA athletes

- help run the golf tournament portion

- cheer on, support, and be a friend to the SOLA athletes



Alternate Shot Golf Tournament: 9AM - 12/1PM

Skill Competition: 10AM-12PM

(SOLA athletes choose between the Golf Tournament or the Skills Competition) 

**Volunteers do not have to stay the whole day, any help is greatly appreciated and welcomed**

**Food and drinks will be provided on site for all volunteers**


REGISTRATION: Registration is free. If you are interested in being a part of this unique event, you can register to be a volunteer AND a partipant in the alternate shot format once registration is open on Feb. 1st. We understand the LJGT Member/SOLA Athlete team tournament is not confirmed yet, but you can still register to save your spot and we will keep you updated on the status of the event. We still encourage LJGT Members to come help volunteer and support the Special Olympic Athletes of Louisiana if available.


Dress Code: Normal golf attire. If you have any LJGT or LGA gear, that is recommended. SOLA may also have volunteer polos on site as well. 


2023 Photos

To check out the photos from last year's Golf State Summer Games, click tab above next to Results. 






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