2024 VSGA Four-Ball/Senior Four-Ball Qualifier | Old Trail GC Tee Sheet

Old Trail GC - Wed, May 8

Old Trail Golf Club
Time Players
Old Trail Golf Club
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
AJ Hartley Augustine Golf Club
10:34 AM VSGA Four-Ball Matthew Hartley / Thomas Foster / Timothy Morris
Andrew McCoy Lexington Golf & Country Club
9:50 AM VSGA Four-Ball Drew Strickland / George Pickral / Tommy Troyer
Ben Fry Roanoke Country Club
9:28 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brad Allen / Ryan Thompson / Willard Rogers
Benjamin Converse Meadowcreek Golf Course
8:55 AM VSGA Four-Ball Elton Blackstock / Evan McNally / Jay Perry
Bill Apple The Golf Club at Lansdowne
8:11 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Gordon Shelton / Jeff Fiebelkorn / John Steele
Brad Allen Roanoke Country Club
9:28 AM VSGA Four-Ball Ben Fry / Ryan Thompson / Willard Rogers
Brad Michael Orchard Creek
9:39 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jeremy Mills / Joshua Michael / Seth Bokelman
Brandon Samuel Magnolia Green Golf Club
9:06 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brock Lascara / Matt Thomas / Ryan Vita
Brian McDermott Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
8:44 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Gavin Sload / John Sload / Marc Salafia
Brock Lascara Meadowcreek Golf Course
9:06 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brandon Samuel / Matt Thomas / Ryan Vita
Christian Smith USGA/VSGA GC
9:17 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jake Miles / Logan Korn / Marcus Park
Cody Buchanan USGA/VSGA GC
10:12 AM VSGA Four-Ball Ryan Clark
Corbin Pillow Hat Creek Golf Course
10:23 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jacob Singleton / Matt Pochily / Zachary Green
Danny Pedrazzi Hunting Hawk Golf Club
11:07 AM VSGA Four-Ball Mark Hourigan / Matthew Monastero / Ryan Monastero
Dave Rowson Poplar Grove Golf Club
8:00 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Doug Alderfer / Randy Dunton / Rodney Alderfer
Doug Alderfer Shenvalee Golf Resort
8:00 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Dave Rowson / Randy Dunton / Rodney Alderfer
Drew Strickland Hat Creek Golf Course
9:50 AM VSGA Four-Ball Andrew McCoy / George Pickral / Tommy Troyer
Elijah Moore USGA/VSGA GC
10:45 AM VSGA Four-Ball Joseph Easmeil / Josh Riggleman / Tag Corrigan
Elton Blackstock Spring Creek Golf Club
8:55 AM VSGA Four-Ball Benjamin Converse / Evan McNally / Jay Perry
Evan McNally Spring Creek Golf Club
8:55 AM VSGA Four-Ball Benjamin Converse / Elton Blackstock / Jay Perry
Gavin Sload The Club at Glenmore
8:44 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brian McDermott / John Sload / Marc Salafia
George Pickral Salisbury Country Club
9:50 AM VSGA Four-Ball Andrew McCoy / Drew Strickland / Tommy Troyer
Gordon Shelton Cedars Country Club
8:11 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Bill Apple / Jeff Fiebelkorn / John Steele
Jace Gregory Hermitage Country Club
10:01 AM VSGA Four-Ball Luke Thornton / Nicholas Beaulac / Stacey Larese
Jacob Singleton Hat Creek Golf Course
10:23 AM VSGA Four-Ball Corbin Pillow / Matt Pochily / Zachary Green
Jake Miles The Federal Club
9:17 AM VSGA Four-Ball Christian Smith / Logan Korn / Marcus Park
Jason Pool River Bend Club
10:56 AM VSGA Four-Ball Marshall Tinsley / Ryan Bishop / Ryan Stinnett
Jay Perry Rock Harbor Golf Course
8:55 AM VSGA Four-Ball Benjamin Converse / Elton Blackstock / Evan McNally
Jeff Fiebelkorn Ballyhack Golf Club
8:11 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Bill Apple / Gordon Shelton / John Steele
Jeremy Mills Winchester Country Club
9:39 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brad Michael / Joshua Michael / Seth Bokelman
John Lombardozzi Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
8:22 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Scott Arthur / Scott Causby / Tim Vigotsky
8:44 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brian McDermott / Gavin Sload / Marc Salafia
John Steele Westwood Country Club
8:11 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Bill Apple / Gordon Shelton / Jeff Fiebelkorn
Joseph Easmeil Virginia Beach National Golf Club
10:45 AM VSGA Four-Ball Elijah Moore / Josh Riggleman / Tag Corrigan
Josh Riggleman Winchester Country Club
10:45 AM VSGA Four-Ball Elijah Moore / Joseph Easmeil / Tag Corrigan
Joshua Michael Winchester Country Club
9:39 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brad Michael / Jeremy Mills / Seth Bokelman
Logan Korn Heritage Oaks Golf Course
9:17 AM VSGA Four-Ball Christian Smith / Jake Miles / Marcus Park
Luke Thornton Kinloch Golf Club
10:01 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jace Gregory / Nicholas Beaulac / Stacey Larese
Marc Salafia Fredericksburg Country Club
8:44 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Brian McDermott / Gavin Sload / John Sload
Marcus Park Heritage Oaks Golf Course
9:17 AM VSGA Four-Ball Christian Smith / Jake Miles / Logan Korn
Mark Hourigan Country Club of Virginia
11:07 AM VSGA Four-Ball Danny Pedrazzi / Matthew Monastero / Ryan Monastero
Mark McCoy Virginia Beach National Golf Club
8:33 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Mike Ligon / Paul Townsley / Robert Wrenn
Marshall Tinsley Winton Farm
10:56 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jason Pool / Ryan Bishop / Ryan Stinnett
Matt Pochily Brandermill Country Club
10:23 AM VSGA Four-Ball Corbin Pillow / Jacob Singleton / Zachary Green
Matt Thomas Winchester Country Club
9:06 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brandon Samuel / Brock Lascara / Ryan Vita
Matthew Hartley VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
10:34 AM VSGA Four-Ball AJ Hartley / Thomas Foster / Timothy Morris
Matthew Monastero Loudoun Golf & Country Club
11:07 AM VSGA Four-Ball Danny Pedrazzi / Mark Hourigan / Ryan Monastero
Mike Ligon Country Club of Virginia
8:33 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Mark McCoy / Paul Townsley / Robert Wrenn
Nicholas Beaulac Reston National Golf Course
10:01 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jace Gregory / Luke Thornton / Stacey Larese
Paul Townsley Sleepy Hole Golf Course
8:33 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Mark McCoy / Mike Ligon / Robert Wrenn
Randy Dunton Poplar Grove Golf Club
8:00 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Dave Rowson / Doug Alderfer / Rodney Alderfer
Robert Wrenn Country Club of Virginia
8:33 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Mark McCoy / Mike Ligon / Paul Townsley
Rodney Alderfer Heritage Oaks Golf Course
8:00 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball Dave Rowson / Doug Alderfer / Randy Dunton
Ryan Bishop Hermitage Country Club
10:56 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jason Pool / Marshall Tinsley / Ryan Stinnett
10:12 AM VSGA Four-Ball Cody Buchanan
Ryan Monastero Loudoun Golf & Country Club
11:07 AM VSGA Four-Ball Danny Pedrazzi / Mark Hourigan / Matthew Monastero
Ryan Stinnett Poplar Grove Golf Club
10:56 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jason Pool / Marshall Tinsley / Ryan Bishop
Ryan Thompson Fredericksburg Country Club
9:28 AM VSGA Four-Ball Ben Fry / Brad Allen / Willard Rogers
Ryan Vita Herndon Centennial
9:06 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brandon Samuel / Brock Lascara / Matt Thomas
Scott Arthur Winchester Country Club
8:22 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball John Lombardozzi / Scott Causby / Tim Vigotsky
Scott Causby Rock Harbor Golf Course
8:22 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball John Lombardozzi / Scott Arthur / Tim Vigotsky
Seth Bokelman Orchard Creek
9:39 AM VSGA Four-Ball Brad Michael / Jeremy Mills / Joshua Michael
Stacey Larese Keswick Club
10:01 AM VSGA Four-Ball Jace Gregory / Luke Thornton / Nicholas Beaulac
Tag Corrigan Winchester Country Club
10:45 AM VSGA Four-Ball Elijah Moore / Joseph Easmeil / Josh Riggleman
Thomas Foster Farmington Country Club
10:34 AM VSGA Four-Ball AJ Hartley / Matthew Hartley / Timothy Morris
Tim Vigotsky Robert Trent Jones Golf Club
8:22 AM VSGA Senior Four-Ball John Lombardozzi / Scott Arthur / Scott Causby
Timothy Morris Farmington Country Club
10:34 AM VSGA Four-Ball AJ Hartley / Matthew Hartley / Thomas Foster
Tommy Troyer Hat Creek Golf Course
9:50 AM VSGA Four-Ball Andrew McCoy / Drew Strickland / George Pickral
Willard Rogers Fredericksburg Country Club
9:28 AM VSGA Four-Ball Ben Fry / Brad Allen / Ryan Thompson
Zachary Green USGA/VSGA GC
10:23 AM VSGA Four-Ball Corbin Pillow / Jacob Singleton / Matt Pochily