Welcome to the Drivers and Shakers TopGolf Nights!



Our TopGolf Nights are designed to allow Drivers and Shakers members monthly opportunities to gather and enjoy two hours of unlimited game play at Knoxville's new favorite social golf spot - TopGolf!



$10/night for Eagle and Ace Drivers and Shakers Members

$20/night for Par and Birdie Drivers and Shakers Members



6:00 PM - 8:00 PM 



June 13, July 18, Aug. 22, Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Dec. 19


Each night is capped at 20 registrants!




How it works:


Step 1

If you aren't already, register for a Drivers and Shakers membership (any level).


Step 2

Register for the TopGolf Nights "League" by clicking here.


Step 3A (for Drivers and Shakers Par and Birdie Level Members)

Once your TopGolf Nights league registration has been approved (you will receive an automated email) you may register for the TopGolf Night's you wish to attend. Click here for full schedule. You will pay your $20/event fee upon online event registration.


Step 3B (For Drivers and Shakers Eagle and Ace level members)

Email Nash at ngosser@tngolf.org the events you wish to register for. He will be able to register you for your desired events. Once registered you will receive a payment link that will allow you to pay for your discounted TopGolf Nights. If you register via Step 3A listed above you will be charged $20/event instead of $10.


Step 4

Show up and have fun!