80 Question Rules of Golf Exam




The OGA is offering the 80-Question Rules of Golf exam to those interested at no charge. The exam is multiple choice with 40 closed-book questions and 40 open-book questions. Participants will have four hours to complete the exam and those that score 70 or above will achieve Advance Rules Certification from the USGA.


Dates: Tuesday, April 2, Friday, April 5 or Saturday, April 6. Two testing sessions offered each day, either 8:00 am or 1:00pm. (Participants are only eligible to take the test one time per year)

Available Seats: A maximum number of 10 seats are available on each testing date. Registration for is first come, first serve. 


Site: OGA Golf Course: 2840 Hazelnut Dr. Woodburn, OR 97071.


Time: Two exam sessions offered each day, either 8:00am or 1:00pm. Doors open one hour prior to the start of the exam, please arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the exam. The total time allowed to complete both parts of the exam is 4 hours and breaks may be taken at any time during the exam.


Cost: No Charge. Complimentary coffee will be available.


Results: In order to receive results; participants must create a login by registering at rules.usga.org if they have not done so previously. 


Deadline: All participants must register online at least two days prior to testing.


Dress Code: Business casual or golf attire. Please no blue jeans, sweat pants or t-shirts.


Questions: Please contact Brent Whittaker, OGA Senior Director Championships and Events with any questions – bwhittaker@oga.org; (503) 981-4653.