2018 Ladies’

Christmas Tournament

Thursday, December 6th

9:00 AM Shotgun



FORMAT:  1 NET Best Ball of the Foursome+ “Rudolph Ball”


Each team will be given one “Rudolph Nose” golf ball.  We have selected twelve holes.  Each player will play the “Rudolph Nose” three times. You will know if it is your turn when you get to the tee.  A “Rudolph Nose” score on any hole may, or may not, count as one of the two best balls.  The goal is to finish the tournament without losing the team “Rudolph Nose.”  If it goes into a hazard (water, tree, OB etc.) and you can FIND it, you may put it back in play, taking appropriate penalties.  If a player loses it, they may substitute their own ball and continue playing the hole, with appropriate penalties. 


HANDICAP: Full Individual Handicap Applied


FLIGHTS: We will have 2 Flights based on Total Team Handicap


CONTESTS:   NEAREST THE PIN on Holes #4 & #11


POST-ROUND:       Post round lunch will be held in the Main Dining Room.





Merry Christmas!