[Click on Cardinal Cup Standings in menu for current Point Standings]



       The Cardinal Cup is a year-end tournament honoring those in the Men’s Club who have most supported our Tournament Schedule.   A Men’s Club Member is entered into the Cardinal Cup competition without cost by entering one of the regular tournaments (Team Play Match and Senior Exchange participants are not included).  24 Men’s Club Members will win spots in the event based on their participation and performance in our weekend regular Men’s Club Tournaments. 


1.     Tournament Format.  The Cardinal Cup is a Ryder Cup type tournament comprised of two teams of 12 Stanford Men’s Club Members each.  It would be contested after the final tournament of the year on Sunday, October 20, 2019, as a one-day event with 27 holes played in three 9-hole Matches. 


       a.     Match One would be modified Alternate Shot


       b.     Match Two would be Net Better Ball


       c.     Match Three would be 12 Matches of Singles


       A Match Winner earns 1 point, a tie ½ point each.  A total of 24 points would be awarded.  In case of a tie for the Cardinal Cup, we will have a sudden death net better ball playoff on #19.


2.     Formation of Teams.  There shall be two teams, named the “Watson Team” and the “Woods Team”.   The 12 members of each team will be comprised of (a) 8 Bracket Winners, and (c) 4 At-Large Winners.    


       a.     Setting up Two Teams.  At the end of April, all players who have played in one or more of the year’s events will be divided equitably into 2 Teams based on accumulated Points as of that date.  Thereafter, new players entering a bracket will be added to each team on an alternating basis.   


              (1)     Calculation of Index Brackets.  The entire field will be divided into 8 ranges of indexes so as to create as equal a number of competitors in each bracket as possible.  Those brackets will be permanent for the remainder of the season.


              (2)    Members may move between Brackets during the year as their Indexes go up and down, however, a player’s final Bracket Assignment will be based on his June 15 Index.


       b.     Bracket Winners.   At the completion of the Tournament Season, one player from each Team in each of the 8 Index Brackets will qualify to play in the Cardinal Cup.  However, for a player to win a Bracket, they must have played in at least 3 tournaments during the season.  


       c.     At-Large Members.   The remaining 4 spots on each team will be awarded to the 4 players on each team who have earned the highest points but have not otherwise qualified as a Bracket Winner.   


       d.     How Points are Earned.  After each Tournament, Cardinal Cup Points will be awarded as follows:


              (1)     Participation Points.   Each Member entered, and each player on the Waiting List who was not allowed to enter, will get 5 points, except in the Major Events, namely the President's Cup, the Directors' Cup, the Summer Invitational and the Club Championship, players will be awarded 10 points.


              (2)    Performance Points.  Additional points will be awarded to each Men’s Club Member who, individually or as a part of a team, finishes in the top one-half of their flight: 


       1st Place in Flight:      7 points

       2nd Place in Flight:      5 points

       3rd Place in Flight:      3 points

       4th Place in Flight:      1 points


3.     Matches. For Match One (Alternate Shot) and Match Two (Better Ball), the two-player teams will be comprised of players from the same two consecutive Index Brackets.  For example, the Players from Brackets 1 and 2 from the Woods Team would play the Players from Brackets 1 and 2 from the Watson Team, etc.   For Match Three, Singles, Players from the same Bracket will play each other. At-Large Players on each team will be ranked by Index and play the At-Large Player on the other team with the same team rank.


4.     Alternates.   If the qualifying player in a Bracket cannot play on the day of the event, the replacement will be the next highest point earner on that Team in that bracket who has played in a minimum of 3 Tournaments.  


5.     Revision of Rules.   The Board may change, interpret or adjust the Rules above at any time.