Dear Dreamland Members


It gives me great pleasure on behalf of i2offshore to welcome you to our Medal Series at Dreamland Golf Club.  I look forward to meeting you at the Golf Club and enjoying a few rounds of golf this summer.


Based in Baku for over 19 years the team at i2offshore continue to support clients in most of the major expatriate locations around the world. Our registered branch network looks after clients long after they have departed their initial points of contact, utilizing the experience of well over 100 years of consulting and advice from our main associates.


Feel free to follow our website to learn more about the services we offer.  I would be more than happy to discuss matters in person through a follow up appointment. 


I may also take this moment to mention the BBG – The British Business Group for which I have chaired since 2007. If you have any wish to attend the monthly meetings or for your company to be represented at our gatherings please do not hesitate to contact me for further details.


Wishing you a great season on the course!



John Patterson OBE


i2offshore Ltd
6-10 Vagif Mustafa-zade Street
Tel: +994 12 492 8173
Fax: +994 12 492 8178
Mob: +994 50 213 2267