Rivoli Monthly Medal (Sat, January 18)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Aileen Johnson
Andre Naude
Aqeel Hemraj
Ashley Woolhouse
Bruce Penn
Bud Peppe
David Hobday
Dominic Dickson
Dominic Wright
Eliana Zarate
Erika Urbina
Geoff Oswald
George Clarke
Gerry Johnson
Greg Whetham
Harry Wright
Jim Doyle
Jon Cimino
Laura Newman
Lynn Cimino
Mangesh Gijare
Mark Samways
Martin Ashkuri
Michelle Whetham
Neil Skeath
Nick Wakefield
Nicola Breeze
Paul Regan
Peter Boyack
Philip Mercer
Robert Mullen
Russ Saunders
Samarth Bahl
Seong Yeon Lee
Shane Arbuckle
Shibu Thomas
Simon Sinclair
Stephen Holl
Thomas Eckert
Thomas Sweeney
Yeon Ja Lee
Yong Kwan Kim
Yongjin Choi
Yousef Al Barkawie