Make a Contribution to the Trans-Mississippi Golf Association



Donations from members of Trans-Mississippi Member Clubs and friends of the TMGA are the lifeblood of the Trans-Mississippi Golf Association and the Trans-Mississippi Turf Scholarship Fund.  Donations such as yours create much of the energy that goes towards our renowned Turf Scholarship Program that was inaugurated in 1953.  Approximately 1,500 student scholars have benefited from your generous contributions which have made it possible for them to pursue degrees in Turf Science.


In 2014,Trans-Miss leadership created the Club Turf Internship Program, which has become an integral part of the promotion of aspiring agronomy students.  Trans-Miss Member Clubs are selected to receive a grant in which students’ intern at some of the top clubs in the country gaining hands on experience from some of the industry’s most respected superintendents, with the Trans-Miss grant offsetting that expense to the club. 


This past year the Trans-Miss committed to providing scholarships to eleven students pursuing agronomy degrees at accredited universities across the country, as well as internships to eleven member clubs to hire aspiring agronomy students.


ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for the TMGA Senior and TMGA Mid-Master Championship require all entrants to be members of a Trans-Mississippi Member Club, or require that the entrant make a minimum $100 contribution per player/season in lieu of club membership.  Visit to confirm if your club is a TMGA member club.

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