



  • 3 point scoring system which includes 1 point per individual match and 1 point for the team net best ball score. 
  • If you don’t have a partner, you can still play for two points.
  • If the other team forfeits, your team gets three points.
  • Strokes for the match are based on the low handicap person;
    • Example: If the low handicap is a 2, that person will move to a zero and the other three will subtract 2 from their handicap.  Scorecards are then dotted accordingly.
  • You will get strokes on the holes you have a dot and your opponent does not.
  • After the match, add your number of holes won / lost to determine a winner.
  • For the team best ball point, take you and your partner’s best net score per hole, add them up and determine a team winner.



All subs must be a member of GreatLIFE Malaska Golf & Fitness and have an established handicap.



Thursday Game

Every Thursday we will run a game in the pro-shop that all league players have the option of participating in. The game is $5 per player and will be paid back in pro-shop credit.  Games throughout the year will include low net, low gross, skins game, pin prizes and other various games.  All players that wish to participate must register prior to teeing off.  



Scorecards will be prepared by the pro-shop staff and available for pick up at the pro-shop counter after 4:45 every Thursday.  The scorecards will include your opposing team, starting hole and handicaps.  All scorecards must be completed, scored and turned in to the pro-shop by 9:00.  The pro-shop staff will enter all league scores into the handicap computer.


Starting Hole

League schedules are posted on our men's league board and they are also available for viewing on our website.  League is divided up into four brackets.  Each team will be assigned an opponent and starting hole every week.  If your starting hole contains an "A" you are the first group off and if it contains a "B" you are the second group off.


Hole-In-One Insurance 

All league players are a member of the Hole-In-One Club at Central Valley.  If a hole-in-one is made during league play a keg will be avaialble the following week in honor of that player.