Notice to all Members

We all enjoy a well-conditioned golf course and the field crews at Fairwinds do an admirable job in that regard. Without our assistance however both on the course and at the practice facilities, it is impossible to maintain the course in the condition that we all expect. It’s important that we do our part in repairing both fairway divots and ball marks on the green. To facilitate the program a new sand bottle rack is now located on the way to the first tee.


Effective today we are asking that all players adopt the practice of ball mark repair on the greens and divot repairs on the course. To assist with this program please review the instruction sheets below to insure that correct practices are used to protect the integrity of the golf course.


Hole assignments for all members have been made using the first initial of your last name as noted below and posted at the first tee box. 


Course Care Matrix


Did you know that a pitch mark repaired correctly will recover in 24 hours, whereas an un-repaired pitch mark left unattended for 24 hours will take up to 56 days to recover? Unrepaired or incorrectly repaired pitch marks also foster disease and infection on the greens 


Thanking you for your support.
Your Greens Committee


Fixing Ball Marks
How to Properly Repair Your Ball Mark

Ball Mark Repair 1

Step 1
Look for a golf ball mark on the green near your ball. This would be where the ball landed.

Step 2
Use a ball mark repair tool to fix the divot left from the ball.

Step 3
Insert the ball repair tool into the outer edge of the ball divot, with the prongs angled at 45 degrees. Gently work the turf up and back into place by gently pushing up and forward.

Ball Mark Repair 2

Step 4
Repeat step 3 around the entire ball mark as necessary.

Step 5
Pat down the ball mark with a putter, until the mark is as smooth as the rest of the putting surface.

Step 6
Continue on with your game.

Please repair all your ball marks as well as any others you happen to see.  This will keep our greens in great shape and the players that come after you will thank you for it.

Step 7
If still unsure click on this link for a short video demonstration.   


How-To Divot Repair

Filling divots in fairways and tees is very simple and only takes a couple seconds. The grounds team spends a fair amount of time each week filling divots in fairways, while divots on tees are repaired everyday throughout the golfing season. We have provided some tips below on getting your divots filled properly

Divot Repair 1

When a divot is taken from a fairway or a tee box and the soil is still attached like the picture above, the divot should be placed back into the hole and in the same shape it was removed from. When soil remains attached with some root structure intact, the divot will continue to grow without drying out

Divot Repair 2

When your divot is small or a bunch of small pieces, this is when you grab the provided sand bottle for repair. When repairing your divot with seed & sand, please fill the damaged area completely so that the sand is flush with the surrounding turf and tap down with your shoe. The pictures below show divots that were repaired with sand and recovering very nicely from the outside edges in.

Divot Repair 3

Each of you contribute greatly in making Fairwinds such an enjoyable place to be and play, your support for this program will serve to improve that experience.

To view the video click