2019 Cyder Cup Tee Sheet

Singles - Sun, October 27

The Carolina Country Club
Time Hole Players
The Carolina Country Club
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Bobby Hines
9:00 AM 10 Blue Bobby Newman + Mark Torras + Rick Cobb
Bobby Newman
9:00 AM 10 Blue Bobby Hines + Mark Torras + Rick Cobb
Brian Kennedy
9:10 AM 10 Blue Chris Hamilton + Terry Willis + Tom Reeves
Bryan Kelley
9:20 AM 10 Gold Garland Farrell + Jay McAlister + Julian Taylor
Chris Hamilton
9:10 AM 10 Blue Brian Kennedy + Terry Willis + Tom Reeves
Cole Patterson
9:20 AM 1 Gold Max Fain + Tyler Macolly + Yancey Johnson
Daniel Sloan
9:10 AM 1 Gold Duff Wagner + Josh McMillan + Stan Sill
Derek Oyervides
9:30 AM 10 Gold Kyle Milner + Raymond Wooten + Ron Clontz
Duff Wagner
9:10 AM 1 Gold Daniel Sloan + Josh McMillan + Stan Sill
Garland Farrell
9:20 AM 10 Gold Bryan Kelley + Jay McAlister + Julian Taylor
Jay McAlister
9:20 AM 10 Gold Bryan Kelley + Garland Farrell + Julian Taylor
Jeremy Ryan
9:30 AM 1 Gold Jesse Kinnunen + Stephen Kirven + Todd Whitehead
Jesse Kinnunen
9:30 AM 1 Gold Jeremy Ryan + Stephen Kirven + Todd Whitehead
Josh McMillan
9:10 AM 1 Gold Daniel Sloan + Duff Wagner + Stan Sill
Julian Taylor
9:20 AM 10 Gold Bryan Kelley + Garland Farrell + Jay McAlister
Kyle Milner
9:30 AM 10 Gold Derek Oyervides + Raymond Wooten + Ron Clontz
Mark Torras
9:00 AM 10 Blue Bobby Hines + Bobby Newman + Rick Cobb
Max Fain
9:20 AM 1 Gold Cole Patterson + Tyler Macolly + Yancey Johnson
Raymond Wooten
9:30 AM 10 Gold Derek Oyervides + Kyle Milner + Ron Clontz
Rick Cobb
9:00 AM 10 Blue Bobby Hines + Bobby Newman + Mark Torras
Ron Clontz
9:30 AM 10 Gold Derek Oyervides + Kyle Milner + Raymond Wooten
Scott Daniels
9:00 AM 1 Gold Steven Calicutt
Stan Sill
9:10 AM 1 Gold Daniel Sloan + Duff Wagner + Josh McMillan
Stephen Kirven
9:30 AM 1 Gold Jeremy Ryan + Jesse Kinnunen + Todd Whitehead
Steven Calicutt
9:00 AM 1 Gold Scott Daniels
Terry Willis
9:10 AM 10 Blue Brian Kennedy + Chris Hamilton + Tom Reeves
Todd Whitehead
9:30 AM 1 Gold Jeremy Ryan + Jesse Kinnunen + Stephen Kirven
Tom Reeves
9:10 AM 10 Blue Brian Kennedy + Chris Hamilton + Terry Willis
Tyler Macolly
9:20 AM 1 Gold Cole Patterson + Max Fain + Yancey Johnson
Yancey Johnson
9:20 AM 1 Gold Cole Patterson + Max Fain + Tyler Macolly