League Games


Week 1
Low Gross
Prize money will be awarded to the persons with the lowest actual scores!


Week 2
Low Net
Winners will have the lowest scores including their league handicap!


Week 3
Random Partner
You partner is chosen by a computer!
Both player's scores are combined.


Week 4
Scores are converted to points:
4 points for eagle, 3 for birdie, 2 for par,
1 bogey and 0 points for double bogey or worse.


Week 5
Low Gross
Prize money will be awarded to the persons with the lowest actual scores!


Week 6
Low Net
Winners will have the lowest scores including their league handicap!


Week 7
Scores are converted to points:
4 points for eagle, 3 for birdie, 2 for par,
1 bogey and 0 points for double bogey or worse.


Week 8
Championship Week 1
Game On!
Players must participate in both weeks to qualify for the championship.


Week 9
Championship Week 2
Finish strong and take home the prize!
Players must participate in both weeks to qualify for the championship.