Simulator Rules



1. For safety, do not swing any golf club outside of the simulator bay.
2. Only one person is permitted in a simualor bay at a time.

3. Only soft soled shoes may be worn in a simulator bay; no soft or hard spikes.

4. Use your normal set of golf clubs, must be clean.

5. Only one golf ball is required, must be new or clean.
6. Food and beverages are not permitted in a simulator bay at any time. 

7. All food and beverages must be purchased at the golf course.



Simulator Booking


½ hour for 1 player - I hour for 2 players, 1.5 hours for 3 players, 2 hours for 4 players

All league play must be play during designated league times – Make ups are not permitted unless authorized by the golf professional in case of emergencies
Weekly sign-up sheets must be mandatory or your spot will not be reserved