Opening Day, May 1, Tulips to greet us
Sep 25 Jelly Bean Tournament Winners: Laure K., Joyce C., Kathy P, Anne S.
Club Championship - Watching final matches on hole #18
Club Chmpshp - Club Champ Flight winners
Club Chmpnshp - 18th Green Marlene, Maree, Darleen
Odette (a winner) with other players flags on hole #18
NSL Opening Day, May 23 with flowers blooming in sunshine
Birthday Queen LeAnna and Barb M
Club Chmphshp - Winners of Flight 2
Club Chmpnshp - Lunchtime
Northern Scenic League (B-Team) won LOW GROSS for second year in a row.
Club Champnshp - Watching final matches
Club Championship - Claire, Lori, Laure at hole #1
Club Chmpnshp - Food line
Club Chmpnshp - Social Chair Julie lights cake
HH NSL Team with hats: Jeanenne, Joyce C, Sammy, Margie, Maree, Pam
New Members Jeanenne Johnson, Laure Keavney, Tammy Hichens
Club Champnshp - Watching final matches
Club Chmpnshp - Cake for all
Club Chmpnshp - Large lunch group
Team of Kathy, Roche, Joyce S and Maree get 3rd place prize (golf balls) from Barb
Ladies enjoy chatting after opening day Scramble
HH NSL Team: Jeaneene, Joyce C, Sammy, Margie, Maree, Pam
Ladies have fun after opening day Scramble
Ladies gather on Opening Day
Animals - Gorilla, Frog family, Snake, and Camels
Red White and Blue - Ready to play on Flag Day
Claire and Barb P (with Odette's flag too) - winners of Flag Day
Scramble 1st place winners Sue, Carol, Pam, Jody
Allen Brown and Ladies at Corona's
Snapdragons Hole #3
Scramble 2nd place winners Laure, Darlene, Sammy, Joyce C.
HHWGA 18-hole members 2018
Club Chmpnshp - Watching final matches
Cake for Birthday gal LeAnna
Barb M brings in flags left on the course where players "met their strokes" in Flag Day tournament
Ladies in Red, White and Blue relax after Flag Day tournament
Club Chmpshp - Winners of Flight 1
Raber, Diane
Rosenow, LeAnna
Tisdale, Rochelle