Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs - Registration Form



The Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs promotes Amateur Golf in Yorkshire through the provision of :


Championship competitions

County Members Four Ball competitions

County Team matches 


To enhance the player experience as well as improving efficiency and effectiveness for all, we have further developed our registration and event sign up processes. 


We ask that all players who wish to compete in any of our events first register their details through this portal.


A player registering should be the holder of a WHS Handicap and be a playing member of a Club affiliated to the Yorkshire Union of Golf Clubs


* Denotes mandatory fields. Please complete all the Mandatory fields in full that are required on the form. 


When entering your date of birth please use the drop down menu provided.  

PLEASE NOTE: After completion and when displayed your date of birth will appear in the US format which is Month/Day/Year.


Please ensure that you enter your WHS Membership number (previously referred to as your CDH number) in the field titled Membership Number.  For clarity this is the number that you use to check your Handicap Index and Handicap record with England Golf.  In the box that asks for your Handicap - this term is referring to your exact Handicap Index as shown on the WHS. This will be automatically updated through the WHS prior to each event.



If you intend to enter any of the YUGC County Members events please ensure that you enter your County Members Membership Number in the appropriate field. This particular requirement does not apply to those players only entering  Championship events or playing in County Matches.