Round 1 (Fri, July 21)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Andrew Becker
Anthony Stubbs
Bruce Eccleston
Bruce Hyde
Bud Lucas
Charlie King
Dana Cole-Levesque
David Brien
David Robistow
George Cormier
Hagan Andersen
Ian Groom
Jeff Minkiewicz
Jim Goudie
John King
John Sniezyk
Kurt Bergstrom
Mark Sundin
Matt Groom
Micheal Poulin
Mike Bessette
Mike Eid
Nick Danigelis
Paul Beard
Paul Javor
Philip Neff
Phillip Truckle
Richard Dragoon
Ryan King
Steve Butcher
Steve Curran
Stu Libby
Terry Francis
Thomas Bjerke
Wain Willey
Wally Mariani