
Player Roster

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Last Name First Name Team Id
Abramski Steve 62
Aikens Ashley 36
Aikens Joseph 36
Alberti Fernando 32
Aquino Mike 27
Baker Barrett 9
Ball Jared 50
Barrett Mark 56
Bondy Dan 3
Bouse Bill 30
Brackins Richard 48
Burns Jason 51
Burns Justin 51
Butterfield Tom 28
Calomino Allan 52
Camps Zachary 21
Chatell Gary 12
Clark Tony 33
Cornell Paul 2
Cote Bret 55
Cote Joe 55
Crooks Richard 48
Cuthrell Scott 39
Davis Mike 2
Davis Nick 39
Dennis Mike 23
Dickey Bryan 26
Donovan-Workman Sean 16
Dotson Joel 34
Edwards Braylon 20
Feister Rick 12
Firavich Adam 58
Firavich David 58
Fisher Steven 20
Fisk David 41
Folis Issac 60
Garland Matthew 57
Gast Max 42
Gast Michael 42
Gehres Chad 46
Glover Ryan 25
Gooddrives Johnny 21
Heuer Doug 11
Hodges Jumbo 29
Holder Doug 7
Hoover Becky 53
Hoover Doug 53
Howell Steve 62
Hudson Lucien 10
Humphreys Luke 37
Hurd Roger 22
Jackson Bob 43
Janneson ALex 35
Johnson Alan 49
Johnson Chris 14
Jonika Brad 37
Keene Patrick 17
Keune Grant 7
Kohmescher Jerry 54
Konja Brandon 49
Koonce Zach 61
Kopp Jeff 38
LaFrance Mike 18
Lankton Larry 33
LaPointe Paula 40
Lee Junhyuk 61
Luft Justin 34
Lukosavich John 59
Mannino Tom 25
Matson Sean 19
Mazo Corey 52
McAllister Bryce 59
McElmurry Carson 4
McGill David 29
McHugh Nate 50
Mongo Ray 6
Moore Jason 35
Moul Tom 13
Nagle Matt 31
Nye Daniel 43
O'Hanlon Ed 24
O'Hanlon Ken 24
Olson Brian 31
Osworth Kevin 23
Palmer Michael 45
Peltz Aaron 9
Pierce Gary 11
Pietrangelo Todd 13
Pighin AJ 38
Potratz Jeff 3
Prasch Patrick 27
Radman Paul 30
Richards Adam 45
Rincon Brandon 60
Roberts Kory 57
Scheuher Sean 26
Schmale Drew 44
Schmale Spencer 44
Schum Steve 14
Schumborg Mike 32
Shadduck Jim 54
Sommerville Craig 22
Speer Darren 17
Spink Brock 46
Stahl Tom 15
Stahl Trevor 15
Stykemain Connor 1
Stykemain Corbin 1
Tindall Andrew 19
Tobin Dylan 47
Turner Kenneth 6
VanCampen Emily 8
VanCampen Josh 8
Varney Joe 56
Wade Justin 47
Webber Joel 18
Western Johnny 41
Wohlgamut Rick 40
Workman Paul 16
Yousif Christopher 4
Yuhasz Evgeny 5
Yuhasz Larry 5
Zaman Rasel 10
Zeller Greg 28